Halloween makeup idea for half face: skull makeup with a twist

No Halloween costume is complete without appropriate makeup. A very creative make-up idea is trending this year - you only apply make-up to the lower half of your face, so that the make-up looks like a mask. In today's post we offer you several inspirations for skull makeup.

Photo: Schutterstock / robin2

The spooky festival of the year is approaching – Halloween is coming soon. But you still don't have a costume? Then a cool last-minute idea comes along.Dress up as a skeleton– You need black pants and a black T-shirt. Paint a skeleton with white paint and the disguise is ready! Now all you need is the right make-up. Make up half your face as a skull.

That's why the look is so popular

Foto: Shutterstock / robin2

Halloween makeup doesn't necessarily have to cover the entire face. In recent years, a new make-up idea has become successful. You only apply make-up to the lower part of your face. The focus is on teeth. You paint on teeth and scars. Finally, several black, diseased veins are added to the forehead and cheeks. The eyes are only emphasized with black eyeliner.

Make up a mask for the horror festival

Foto: Shutterstock / Russ Full

Alternatively, you can paint the skull mask with blue face paint and then apply tone-on-tone make-up to the eyes and eyebrows. Teeth are also painted with white paint and knuckles with black paint. In addition, the nose can be set off black. This is how the skeleton mouth is created step-by-step.

Effektvolles Last-Minute-Make-up: Zombie

Foto: Shutterstock / Sergey Voevodin

If it's easier and quicker, you can find fake wounds and “sewn shut mouths” in the carnival shop. The so-called FX make-up or special effects make-up can also be done at home with a little practice and creativity. The biggest advantage of the next idea: you don't have to work precisely, so this Halloween make-up is also suitable for complete beginners.

This is how you get the look

Foto: Shutterstock/ Sergey Voevodin

First apply white or better yet, gray paint. Smear the border between “normal” skin and zombie skin with fake blood. Glue the sewn shut mouth from the carnival shop or paint it on. Hide imperfections with glitter. The glamor zombie look is ready!

Make up half your face: Sugar Skull with a twist

Foto: Shutterstock/ Neo Space

Another variant of make-up for half the face is the sugar skull. The Mexican skull is decorated with colors, glitter and floral motifs. However, only experienced make-up enthusiasts can create elaborate motifs. But with a little creativity you can fake the look.

Instructions for the glittering sugar skull

Foto: Shutterstock- Neo Space

Beginners can make up the face as described above - apply white face paint, emphasize the nose and cheeks with a dark purple shade, and paint on teeth. Then you can start decorating. Buy different sized self-adhesive rhinestones and decorate the Halloween mask. Finally, make your eyes larger and emphasize them with eyeliner – and the look is complete!

The perfect make-up for the Halloween party

Photo: Instagram- Irina Malikova

If you have enough time and onetry new lookIf you want to, you can apply make-up to half your face and emphasize the eyes. It looks particularly cool when the eyeshadows match the color palette of the FX makeup.

Skull makeup idea

Foto: Shutterstock/Irina Malikova

This idea requires professional help. Because a skull like this has to be made up precisely to achieve the maximum effect. But the effort (and money) is definitely worth it because the look is absolutely perfect for the spooky festival.

Apply makeup to a sewn-up mouth

Foto: Shutterstock/ Margarita Stromets

Sometimes just one detail is enough to emphasize the costume. A creatively made-up mouth, some white paint and the horror look is complete. Another advantage: The make-up can be removed quickly and easily after the party.

The scary look in details

Foto: Shutterstock/Margarita Stromets

For the mouth, use water-based, opaque, non-smearing make-up. Take a makeup brush and paint on the “seams.” If you wish, you can make them stand out even better with a little glitter.

Simple make-up idea for women and men

Photo: Shutterstock/Nataliya Turpitko

The next idea is suitable for both women and men. You need a make-up set with white and gray shades. To help you paint the “mask” better, you can first make a template and then carefully transfer the contours to the face with eyeliner.

The trendy party look for 2024: skull

Photo: Shutterstock/Nataliya Turpitko

Halloween is around the corner. With the right costume and appropriate make-up, spooky fun is guaranteed on October 31st.