Halloween is a fun and exciting event for all children. This festival will be particularly unique with great, scary but fun Halloween games. We have looked for some ideas on how you can easily and inexpensively imitate and carry out these Halloween games with your children yourself, so that the little ones can really let off steam and have a lot of fun.
Make your own Frankenstein bowling
Did you think that throwing cans could be scary? To themost popular party gamesalso includes Frankenstein Bowling. You can easily make your own Halloween Frankenstein Bowling. You'll need ten empty cans or cups, a tennis ball, and craft materials so you can create a sinister demon's gaze, bloody vampire eyes, or a mummy on the can. The already painted cans are stacked on top of each other to form a pyramid.
Bowling from monster skittles
Aim the ball at the scary faces; everyone can throw it three times. The player who has cleared the most cans wins the game. You can hide a Halloween surprise in one of the bottom boxes. The thrower who hits the can of course gets to keep the gift. You are welcome to use empty plastic bottles instead of cans and paint them with paint.
The mummy wrapping game
This dynamic and fun game is very simple and is played by two teams. Each team is given rolls of toilet paper and chooses a child who needs to be mummified. After the starting signal, each mummy must be properly wrapped. Eyes, mouth and nose must remain uncovered. Each child is responsible for wrapping certain body parts.
Don't worry, this game doesn't end in chaos as there is no toilet paper allowed on the floor. One child from each team is responsible for picking up the fallen paper. The winner is the mummy that was fully mummified the fastest.
the eyeball race
For the eyeball race, the children need two table tennis balls, two spoons and pencils to color the balls like eyeballs. In this game, two teams are formed with the same number of players. Each team gets a spoon on which the eyeballs are placed. As soon as the race track with a turning point has been determined, it starts.
Party games for groups
The player must cover the distance with the ball on his spoon without his eyeballs falling off. If that player loses the eyeball, he has to start again at the start. After each successful round, the eyeball is passed to the next team member. The team that gets its players back to the finish line first wins the game.
The apple dipping
Apple dipping is one of the traditional party games that is easy to prepare and still a lot of fun. Float apples in a large bowl full of water. Each player must try to get an apple out of the water without using their hands. If you want to make the game more difficult, remove the apple stems first. Apple diving is a game best played outdoors as the water can overflow.
The horror box
The horror box, also called Horrobox, is one of the party games that really reflects the mood of the festival and feels disgusting and scary. This game is suitable for children aged approx. 6 years. You need an empty cardboard box, a shoe box or an empty tissue box. Cut a hole in the box just big enough for small children's hands to fit through. You can decorate or paint the box according to your taste. For example, glue large spiders onto the scary box and paint a ghost face around the hole that represents the mouth opening.
Design and fill the horror box
Let your imagination run wild and put utensils in the box that feel disgusting and have to be touched by the children. Cold, cooked spaghetti is worms, peeled grapes can be eyeballs, cauliflower is the brain, corn kernels can be bat teeth. Boiled tomatoes are a bloody heart and pretzel sticks are the witch's bones. Jello and slime, skins, etc. feel disgusting. You can use a wide variety of items. If you want to make the game as scary as possible, fill a rubber glove with water and put it in the freezer. The frozen hand will be the highlight of the game.
Mash pumpkins
Pumpkin stomping is one of the popular party games that is easy to make, requires little crafting material and is a lot of fun for the little monsters. You will need orange balloons, hard candies such as lollies, coins and small toys. All items must be small enough to fit through the opening. All balloons are inflated and distributed on the ground.
Balloons with surprises
The hidden prizes not only delight the little participants, but also keep the balloons in one place so they don't fly away. Your children have to stomp on the balloons with their feet so that they burst and the small prizes are taken away.
The ghost hunt
Ghost Hunt is a party game suitable for older children and teenagers. Parents' creativity is required here and the support and participation of the neighborhood is required. The game is a type of treasure hunt documented with photos and carried out outdoors. With a little preparation, your children will have great memories from Halloween night.
Outdoor photo treasure hunt
You need two cameras or cell phones with cameras, two identical lists of tasks, a bag with additional materials such as pieces of paper, pens, toilet paper rolls and of course as many prizes as possible to win.
Inform your neighbors and leave various items in the neighboring gardens that need to be found. Create a list of tasks that must be completed by the two teams. We have put together a list of example tasks for you, which can be expanded or shortened as desired.
- Finds a house that looks spooky
- Find house number 13 and photograph it
- Persuade passers-by or neighbors to allow themselves to be wrapped in toilet paper
- Find a black cat and photograph it
- Ask the neighborhood for black nail polish and paint a fingernail as proof
- Form the number 6 three times with your bodies and take a photo of it
- Photograph a fearsome pumpkin
- Write down a recipe for pumpkin soup
- Find and bring garlic and Halloween candy
Both groups are sent out 10 minutes apart. When the tasks are completed, the photos are looked at together and points are awarded. Determine the number of points based on criteria such as task completed, very funny, particularly scary, etc. The team with the most points gets to choose one of the gifts first.