15 Ideas for Fun Pumpkins to Make for Halloween 2021!

What would Halloween be without pumpkin carving? Young and old have a lot of fun shaping the pumpkins into funny faces. You may be worried that you don't have the crafting skills to create a proper jack-o-lantern, and that's okay too! This is about discovering the great joy of crafting. These simple pumpkin faces are easy to make with a few craft supplies or the help of your kids. Some of the pumpkin craft ideas on our list don't even require carving - all you need is some paint,Carving templates, googly eyes, and other things you can easily find at a craft store (or have on hand at home). Whether you are a master carver or a beginner, these cool fun pumpkin ideas 2021 will stimulate your creativity.

Funny pumpkins enjoying a spa day at home

Sounds familiar, doesn't it? You can give a regular pumpkin a spa look with this cute paint job. Simply paint a “face mask” in a green or teal shade, leaving clear space for the nose and mouth. When the mask is completely dry, place a shower cap over the “head” of the pumpkin and secure it with pins. You can also create a cool look with a loosely wrapped turban towel.

Complete the look by putting on cucumber eyes. These can also just be cut out clip art images to ensure the longevity of your decoration.

The eye gel pads, which can be found cheaply at the drugstore, also offer a fun alternative. Stick the pads where you want them and then draw on eyes that are still closed with a black marker.

The hungry pumpkin

An apple a day keeps the doctor away! Carve two holes for eyes and a mouth into a hollowed-out pumpkin. Cut the bottoms off of two mini pumpkins and insert them into each eye hole. Cut out crooked teeth from the cut out piece and secure them in the mouth with toothpicks. Using a permanent marker, draw a face on an apple and place it in your pumpkin's mouth. And done!

Pumpkin with spiked teeth

Hollow out a medium-sized pumpkin from the bottom. Carefully carve out the mouth and insert toothpicks at the top and bottom to form teeth. For the eyes, cut off the bottom of two decorative mini pumpkins and attach them to the pumpkin face with toothpicks. For the pupils, use yellow thumbtacks. Draw strokes for the eyebrows with a highlighter. Then remove the pumpkin eyes and score the eyebrows with a linocut carving knife. Then put your eyes back on and you're done!

Funny pumpkins with braces

Braces used to be considered embarrassing. Today, most people who wear braces are proud of the shiny wires in their mouth and even think they're cool. No wonder that funny pumpkins with braces are very popular as a Halloween trend in 2021.

Who could resist that funny braces smile?

Carve firstPumpkin face with a big smileand big teeth. You can use various materials to make braces, such as wire hangers, aluminum foil, pins and even can tabs.

Funny pumpkins from outer space

These aliens are out of this world! Carve a squiggly mouth into a hollowed out pumpkin. Then carve out holes for the eyes and insert colorful plastic eggs into them. Cut out pupils from black and white construction paper and attach them to each egg with hot glue. To make the horns, cut the bottom of two interestingly shaped decorative pumpkins and attach them to the monster's head with toothpicks.

Pumpkin designed as an old grandma

For this fun grandma pumpkin, turn the pumpkin on its side and use the stem as a nose. Then glue cotton balls on the head to represent grandma's silver hair. A few old-fashioned pink curlers complete the look completely. To complete Grandma's face, add lips and eyes. Of course you should wear glasses on your crooked nose!

Sleeping babies

A pacifier is all you need to create these fun pumpkin faces. Simply make a small hole and insert the pacifier. To create the baby's face, paint on two eyes.

Use a fake or real pumpkin to make this fun pumpkin carving: a pumpkin infested with mice! Bright yellow spray paint turns this pumpkin into a block of cheese, and drill bits make it easy to create holes of various sizes. Then all you need is a few decorative mouse figures.

Frightened pumpkin people

Who says a jack-o-lantern has to be made from a round pumpkin? These frightened fellows, for example, are made from butternut squash and have button eyes and parsnip noses. If you cut out the bottom of the pumpkin, it will be more stable and it will be easier to place a tea light in the lantern.

Frightened pumpkin with sharp teeth

This surprised guy will look adorable (in a spooky way!) on your hallway console table. Carve circular eyes and a large mouth into a pumpkin of any size. Press artificial nails into the edge of the mouth for the teeth. For the eyes, glue black sequin pupils onto white paper circles and place them in the holes.

Funny skull pumpkins

Using a highlighter, draw a large rectangular mouth, teeth, and smile lines on a butternut squash. Carve out just the mouth, then use a lino cutter to remove the skin from the teeth. For the nose, carve an upside down heart.

Cut out two deep eye sockets by holding the knife at a slight angle. Cut the bottoms off two radishes and press black beans into them for pupils. Then stick two toothpicks on the back of each and press them into the eye sockets. Use an awl to poke a deep hole in both sides of the pumpkin, tie a piece of fishing line to a wooden skewer and pull it through the holes. Tie the ends of the fishing line together and use a loop for hanging.

Friendly monster

Did you find a pretty ornamental pumpkin with a swan neck on the market? Then you can make this cute green monster out of it. Cut off the top part of this pumpkin. For the head you need a smaller decorative pumpkin. Cut a hole in the pumpkin to fit the neck. Line the facial features with a highlighter and trim the skin with a lino cutter. To make the hair and arms, cut off the tips of the okra and attach them to the pumpkin with toothpicks (use an awl to poke holes if necessary).

Pumpkins with funny hair

Not all jack-o'-lanterns have to be completely terrifying - some can be funny and wear wigs made of greenery! For a punk hairstyle, choose ornamental grasses with upright growth, such as blue fescue.

To represent female pumpkins with long hair, it is best to choose hanging plants, such as the pea plant. The colorful ornamental cabbage is also ideal because it looks like a lush women's hat. By the way, you can find more ideas for planted pumpkinsin this article.

Dry grasses as a wig

Clumps of dry grass also make cool wigs. Dried pampas grass and other types of grass with soft fronds and drooping growth look particularly cool.

Punk pumpkin

On a large pumpkin, carve a circle eye, a crescent moon shape, a crescent moon nose, and a boomerang mouth. Glue a black painted wooden circle as a “pupil” to the bottom of the round eye. Using a hobby knife, cut a 10 cm wide, 20 cm long and 7 cm deep slit around the stem. Bundle dried wheat stalks into a bouquet with floral tape and cut the bottom stems to 8cm. Tuck the bouquet into the slot to create a cool mohawk. Then attach the jack-o-lantern head to a scarecrow and place it in front of the house.

Funny pumpkin with lollipop hair

This funny pumpkin not only looks cute, but would also be a great decoration for the Halloween buffet at a children's party. Hollow out a medium-sized pumpkin from the bottom. Carve a semicircular mouth with a tooth, two semicircular eyes with pupils and a triangular nose.

For the eyes, press in the inner pieces (do not remove the pupils!). Then carefully remove the skin on the pupils and tooth with a lino cutter. Use an awl to poke holes about 4cm apart in the top and sides of the pumpkin. Insert lollipops into the holes to form the hair and you're done!