62 non-scary Halloween costumes, makeup ideas and hairstyles

The classic spooky theme is strongly represented at Halloween, but with some costumes it is increasingly taking a back seat. The most important thing is for children and adults to have fun, so you can also choose non-scary Halloween costumes. We offer you some ideas and inspiration from nature, the forest and animals, which you can combine with interesting make-up ideas and hairstyles.

Halloween costumes for adults with different themes

In the first part are the costumes,inspired by the Disney films– Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella and Co. offer an alternative for charming costumes for women. Then there are costumes with a forest and nature theme, including animals and fabulous creatures such as fairies and protectors of the forest. Here you can achieve a cute, peaceful look or reveal the wild side of these creatures. Tree leaves, peacock feathers, horns, fur and leather are the most commonly used materials and accessories here.

Belle from “Beauty and the Beast”

Disney Sleeping Beauty

The Little Mermaid costume inspired by the Disney films

Mother Nature

Protector of the forest

Ram or ram idea

Panda in the snow

beautiful forest fairy with wings

Create a nest in your hair

Faun in the forest

33 Halloween makeup and costume ideas from Catherine Falcon

Cobweb dress

black suit and crow's head

Make-up Ideen

Here you can get some ideas for your Halloween make-up. You can be as extravagant as you want. Feathers, rhinestones, artificial eyelashes and colorful contact lenses are always there. Get a rich eyeshadow palette and try out the look a few days before the party to avoid any unwanted surprises.

Deer with big, wet eyes

Spider and cobweb


golden glitter parts and blue shadows

Poison ivy makeup and hairstyle

small green feathers

colored contact lenses cat

wild cat

moon and sun

Poison ivy with artificial leaves

paint your lips funny

green forest fairy

Phoenix with red and gold

The Grumpy Cat

Instead of makeup, you can impress everyone with your crazy hair. For this purpose you either need a good hairdresser or a good idea. The colorful spray paint always helps to add some fun highlights to the hair. Not only the hairdressers themselves, but the hair accessories play a big role here, like these tingly animals or bony skeletons.

colorful strands of hair with spray paint

Braids and artificial eyes

Bats, spiders and skulls in your hair

funny skeletons in hair

Use pipe cleaners creatively

Pee Longstocking

Make cat ears from braids using pipe cleaners

Non-scary costumes for kids

gray mouse in the mouse trap

red strawberry

Baby Sulley from Monsters Inc.

Baby owl


Tutu skirt and monarch butterfly

colorful wings

cute spider with baby carrier

Flower scepter