Cleaning the fireplace glass: Why it is so important for your health and how you can do it

Whether you have a gas fireplace, a wood-burning fireplace, a fireplace insert, or a pellet stove, you should definitely clean the fireplace glass to keep your cozy home healthy! Find out how they do it here!

Seeing a blazing fire through a dirty fireplace glass is like fireworks on a cloudy night - not exactly great. The best way to restore the coziness factor is to clean your fireplace screen as soon as possible. However, each type of glass contains slightly different materials, so cleaning procedures are slightly different for each type. In this article we will therefore introduce you to the different ways in which you can clean the fireplace glass, depending on its particularities! And also why it is important for your health to do this regularly!

How to clean fireplace glass on a gas fireplace

Many people are not aware of it, but the white haze on the glass of your gas fireplace is not charming at all. These are deposits of combustion byproducts that you can remove immediately. But before you start cleaning, you should allow your fireplace glass to cool completely. Once it feels cold, get to work. Here's what you should do!

Step 1: Remove the fireplace screen

With most gas fireplaces, the glass can be easily removed. If this is the case with yours, you should definitely take it out. This will give you much better access to cleaning. It also reduces the chances of you covering the floor with dirt.

Find the owner's manual for your fireplace. This will probably describe how to remove the glass. If you can't find it, no problem. Your fireplace screen probably has decorative grilles that you can remove. Take these out carefully. Once the grilles are removed, look for simple screws to release the disc or spring-loaded latches that you can pop open. Carefully remove the glass and carefully place it on a towel, of course with the dirty side up. This way you protect both the glass and the floor.

  • Notice: Don't forget to turn off the gas. A clumsy misstep can open the gas line. So don't take any risks.

Step 2: Apply glass cleaner and wipe off

There are a variety of cleaning products designed specifically for fireplace glass, but the easiest option for gas fireplace glass is to use a nourishing glass cleaning product. The specific instructions may vary from brand to brand, but in general this is what you should do:

  1. Squirt some of the cleaner onto a microfiber cloth. (Some brands recommend using paper towels, but these can leave streaks).
  2. Wipe the fireplace glass in a circular motion.
  3. Add more glass cleaner if necessary.
  4. Wipe off the residue with a clean microfiber cloth.
  5. Once the disc is completely dry, put it back in place, turn the gas back on and voila! A crystal clear view of the cozy fire.

Again, each cleaner has its own specific instructions. Take a minute to read this.

  • Tipp: Avoid abrasive cleaners. These will make your fireplace glazing look worse than when it started.

Also read:Fireplace without a chimney: Create a cozy and warm home for the cold days in winter!

How to clean fireplace glass on a wood-burning fireplace

Cleaning fireplace glass on a wood-burning fireplace is a little more difficult, and requires more effort to remove the accumulated soot. It is also very likely that you will not be able to remove the glass doors. But that shouldn't worry you. Simply place a few towels on the floor to protect it from the coming dirt and grime.

Method 1: Fight ash with ash

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One of the best ways to clean ashes is to use ash. Yes, that pile of ash lying in the fireplace makes a shockingly good cleaning agent. Mixing ash with a little water creates a very mild abrasive that is as effective as it is cheap.

  1. So grab a wet cloth or newspaper (if you haven't digitized all your news sources) and go through the following steps:
  2. Dab the wet cloth or newspaper into the ash pile.
  3. Scrub the glass in a circular motion.
  4. Repeat the process until you are finished and/or exhausted.
  • Notice: Do not forget that the burning of wood produces particles harmful to health, including in the ash that you use as a cleaning agent. It's best to wear a breathing mask when cleaning so you can filter out these small, unpleasant particles.

Method 2: Use a vinegar solution

Another cheap way to clean soot from the fireplace glass is vinegar. White distilled vinegar is best. You can use it pure or mix it with a little warm water. There is no set recipe for this concoction, but one cup of vinegar to three cups of water should work. The easiest way to apply the vinegar solution is with a clean (preferably new) spray bottle. Be sure to keep the mixture away from your eyes and skin.

  1. Mix one cup of white distilled vinegar with three cups of warm water.
  2. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle.
  3. Spray them on the fireplace screen. Leave it on for about 30 seconds.
  4. Wipe with a microfiber cloth.
  5. Repeat the process until you are satisfied and/or exhausted.

For an even stronger cleaner, add one of the following to this solution:

  • a tablespoon of cornstarch
  • 60 ml rubbing alcohol

For particularly stubborn, set-in stains, you can make a paste by adding ash to your vinegar solution. Apply the paste generously and let it sit for a while before scrubbing with a microfiber cloth.

Also read:Clean the inside of your fireplace in just 4 easy steps!

How often should you clean the fireplace screen?

As for how often you clean the fireplace screens, you really only need to do it once or twice a year. But the more often you do it, the more buildup you can prevent.

Health reasons why you should clean the fireplace glass regularly

The particles released when wood burns in your home – the ones that end up settling as ash – are carcinogenic. Inhaling these pollutants can pose a number of health risks, such as:

  • Increased risk of a heart attack
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Heart failure or stroke
  • Asthma or other lung diseases

So, if you have an old wood stove, it may be time to swap it for a gas or pellet stove that burns renewable pellets.

Clean the oven easily: What are the quickest tricks you can use to clean the glass pane etc.?You can find out here!