Devil make-up for Halloween with instructions for adults and children

Are you already looking for ideas for a costume for Halloween, carnival or a theme party that is associated with a present expression and evokes strong emotions? Undoubtedly, dressing up as a devil is very popular. An important part of a successful Halloween or carnival costume is the perfect face make-up. In today's article we have great ideas for you on how to do devil make-up step by step. Be inspired by our picture gallery for women, men and children and attract everyone's attention with subtle, evil or scary face make-up.

Make up your whole face red

When thinking of the devil, the first association is associated with the red color. If you want to do make-up as a red devil, you first have to allow enough time because you have to color your entire face and a large part of your body for an authentic heaven-and-hell look. Apply the red paint as evenly as possible using a sponge or brush. Since you will be applying make-up to a large area of ​​skin, it is definitely advisable to use high-quality, water-soluble make-up. Once the base layer of paint has dried, you can continue painting your face with additional colors.

Use your imagination when choosing the ornamentsno limits set. There are no rules that say how to properly make up a devil. A real devil's face includes dark, broadly curved eyebrows. To do this, you have to pull your eyebrow slightly upwards at the bridge of your nose. You are welcome to draw a few curved lines upwards towards the outer corner of your eye. To give your face visible contours, emphasize your cheekbones, brow base and jawline. Lift your eyebrows with some yellow color. If you wear make-up as a devil, you should also make up your lips accordingly. Black lips look really devilish and scary. You can also get a great contrast to the bright red color if you paint your lips yellow. A real devilish man should also have a beard. For example, you can draw a narrow triangle on the chin and a mustache above the lip with black paint.

Half angel half devil

You get an interesting interpretation of the devil costume if you make up half angel half devil. To do this, you have to paint one side of your face predominantly with red and black, as described above, while the other half is painted entirely in white. As a great accent, you can embellish the eyebrow of the angel's face with silver sequins or glitter. Paint thin, black seams that connect the good and evil sides in an interesting way. Use red lipstick on the devil face side and black lipstick for the angel side.

Quick ideas for women: flame devil

If you want to look feminine and attractive despite the devilish make-up, you can conjure up a flame devil make-up. For this great look for carnival or Halloween, the eyes are made up with the fire colors yellow, orange and red. The flowing color transitions and the typical flame shape impress you with an enchanting appearance. You can make up a female devil in many ways.

If your Halloween make-up only slightly suggests that you want to take on the role of Satan at the party, a make-up like the one in the picture above would be a great idea. Instead of coloring your lips all black, perhaps you can just line them with black eyeliner and fill in with red lipstick. Paint thin wavy lines in red with yellow shades diagonally towards your temples. This look will make you look attractive and seductive.

Make up scary devil

Whether a man or woman is made up as a devil, the devil horns are an accessory that completes a classic devil costume. If you don't want to buy the devil horns but want to design them yourself, there are several options available. For example, you can make some out of simple modeling clay and then paint them with red paint. Finally, stick the horns onto a headband using tape or glue. Devil horns can also be made from egg carton.

The cardboard horns are actually the perfect addition to a devil costume for children, because paper is an easy craft material. Plus, you can make this important accessory in just a few minutes. Simply cut out two horns from the egg carton that remain connected to each other and paint them all around with red paint. As soon as the paint has dried, use a sharp object to make two small holes at the bottom of the horns and thread a cut piece of household rubber through them.

If you want to look glamorous and not wear an excessive amount of make-up on your skin, you can perhaps apply make-up to your face as usual and achieve great effects with a few light make-up tricks. For example, you can outline your eyes with subtle pinkwith artificial bloodMaking your lower eyelid bleed. An updo allows the homemade horns to show off better.

If you want to stand out from the crowd at the upcoming party and impress with an original look, you can create your own interpretation of devilish make-up and attract enthusiastic looks. For the unique devil look, you can choose absolutely any color and theme you like. The Rose Demon looks very elegant but somehow mystical and scary, doesn't it?

If you do your eyes like a devil, you can give your eyes a demonic look with the help of contact lenses. With the right horror contact lenses, your make-up will look even more spooky. Casting such a devilish gaze over the crowd will undoubtedly make your blood run cold.

You can create effective shock moments with yellow contact lenses, for example. The color makes the madness and fire shine in your eyes that makes those around you fear on Halloween night. You can also spread terror and fear wherever you go with red and black contact lenses. Those who dare to come near you will not be able to take their eyes off you if you wear cold, milky white and bloodshot lenses.

How to dress up your child as a devil for carnival or Halloween

If you are making your child up as a devil, you can also use the typical bright red. You should decide together with your child whether you want to color the entire face, paint just the lips or make up scary eyes. Actually enoughthe simplest make-up motifsperfect that the most beloved child becomes a small and cute devil. Boys and girls like to see themselves in this role and find it really fun to be dressed like Satan.

As already explained above, you can make the devil horns yourself, sew them or perhaps paint them on your forehead quite easily. The cheeky little devils will definitely be waiting impatiently to impale the guests at the Halloween party with his horns.

Sometimes no detailed instructions on how to put on makeup are necessary. Children almost always know what they really want and can help you with creative ideas to find the most original andfrightening look for Halloween or carnivalto create. Let your imagination run wild and have fun styling and applying make-up!