Fake blood is a great addition to Halloween costumes and makeup. It should look dark and thick, not too thin or sticky. You can make it yourself using simple foods like syrup, flour and cocoa powder to add a spooky touch to clothes, cakes and table decorations. This is even a big highlight when putting on makeup for Halloween. After that, you can use a simple stain remover to wash the fake blood out of dark clothes and jeans, but you can't do this with white clothes. It's best to choose old clothes that you would never wear again to make a zombie costume yourself.
What you need:Water, honey, corn, chocolate or caramel syrup, flour or cocoa powder, red food coloring, blue food coloring (optional), gloves, a bowl, spoon
Make enough fake blood to decorate your clothes for Halloween. The ideal amount is a few cups.
Mix three parts syrup with one part water in a large bowl. Wear gloves if desired, as the red food coloring can temporarily discolor the skin. Add a few drops of red food coloring to the mixture, stirring constantly. Add more if necessary until the blood reaches the desired color. Stir for at least 5 minutes to evenly distribute the food coloring.
Add 3 tablespoons flour to the mixture and stir. Flour thickens the blood. Add another tablespoon or two of flour until the mixture reaches the desired consistency. Ideally, the blood will be thick but not clotty. Let the red liquid sit in the bowl for about 15 minutes. Do not put in the refrigerator. It is then ready for use.
Another recipe: 50 ml strawberry flavored mirinda, 100 ml corn syrup, 1 tbsp red food coloring, 2 tbsp chocolate syrup, 1 tbsp cocoa powder and 2 tbsp cornstarch.
Pour it into a spray bottle to achieve the right effect.
If you want to host a Halloween party at home then you canevery detail of your table decorationthink carefully. These faux blood rimmed glasses look spooky and impressive and create the perfect atmosphere for the occasion. You can also design bowls, cutlery or plates this way. It is best to use a fake blood variant with a pleasant taste so that the good taste of the drink is not lost when you drink it.
Place honey on a small plate. Spread red food coloring on top. Mix well until the food coloring is dissolved. You can even use this idea to create desserts or decorate the dessert plates before placing cookies, muffins, cupcakes or other desserts on them. The honey variant is also ideal for designing glasses like the ones you saw above.
On the one hand, you can scoop up some red honey with a spoon and spread it in the glass. This has the advantage of adding a certain sweetness to drinks that you add later. The same applies to dessert bowls or other dishes. You can also do the opposite, so add the dessert first and then spread the “blood” over it. This looks particularly effective with ice cream.
However, if you want to design the edge, you don't have to do much. If you make the fake blood yourself, mix it in a plate whose diameter is no smaller than that of the glasses. You should now dip these into the honey blood in such a way that the edge is covered. After that, place the jar normally and the honey will start to drip down here and there, creating the original look.
These glasses are sure to amaze all party guests and add the finishing touch to the Halloween party with all its decorations. But that doesn't mean you can't use it to decorate other things. You can also paint yourself or family members with fake blood to create an interesting costume.
Cut off a piece of red lipstick. Add some black eyeliner and mix everything with a bit of thick, transparent lip gloss. For light blood color, use more lipstick, for deep red blood color, add more eyeliner.
You can use a brush to dab red paint anywhere on your face. The lip area is particularly suitable for this. You can also apply lipstick to an eyebrow to imitate a wound. You can now leave it at this step or increase the effect by using the following step.
You can add interesting blood spatters to the wound. Here you simply dip the brush into the fake blood. Then hold the brush near the art wound and run your finger along the bristles, creating splatters of paint on the skin. In order for the whole thing to appear realistic, you shouldn't overdo it. A few splashes here and there are enough.
For these instructions you will use the first recipe with syrup and food coloring. Smear mascara on the lids and under the eyes. Use the mascara brush to create a dramatic effect, as if you were crying. Tap the mascara smudges with a wet makeup brush to create black tears. The more water, the better.
Of course, you shouldn't use waterproof mascara for this, as it will be difficult to smear. Try to make the smeared makeup as realistic as possible. If you want to apply foundation or makeup to your skin, you should do so before applying mascara.
The result should look something like this in the end. As a precaution, you can try the whole thing before the actual Halloween just to practice a little. On the day of the celebration, you could be stressed, which could also have a negative impact on your make-up.
Use a chopstick to create the blood drops. To do this, dip it into the blood paint to absorb plenty of color. Then touch anywhere on the face and let the syrup blood run down the face. Since this will make a lot of messes, we recommend that you do the whole thing over a sink that you can quickly clean afterwards.
Feel free to use existing decorations in the garden to create a spooky scene and impress your guests and walkers. A bird bath or fountain are great. First you have to make the red liquid yourself again. In order to be able to clean the container well afterwards, a sticky version should be avoided. Simply turning the water red will do the trick.