Applying make-up to wounds for Halloween – helpful make-up tips and instructions

If you want to create a spooky look yourself for Halloween, then you should start preparing well in advance. Choosing a good costume and matching make-up takes a lot of time and should be planned a little earlier. In this article we present a few ideas on how you can make up different wounds to create a spooky addition to your Halloween costume.

Applying realistic make-up to wounds – ideas for young people and adults

On the evening before All Saints' Day you can meet characters from the fantasy world as well as people with terrible masks and bleeding faces on the street. However, the spooky look of Halloween is being preferred lately, especially among teenagers and adults. With a few tricks you can even...real looking woundsmake-up for a real oneHalloween moodat the party.

Ideas with home remedies without latex

First, we'll show you how you can apply make-up to wounds using home remedies and common make-up utensils. You will need tissues, eyelash glue, makeup sponge and powder or foundation to do the contouring. For makeup with a bloody effect, you can apply black eyeliner, red eyeshadow and red lipstick on top.

Mouth with ordinary makeup

The slit mouth is a popular Halloween makeup idea inspired by the character of the Joker. It looks like a bleeding wound and creates a scary look. To shape the mouth, you should first apply the eyelash glue to the corresponding area with a make-up sponge. Then tear a tissue into strips, place them on the glue and shape the wound. Finally, let it dry thoroughly and then apply make-up with eyeliner, lipstick and eyeshadow.

special materials

If you really want to make up real-looking wounds, then a few special products can come to your aid. An effect or derma wax is perfect for bulging wound edges and scars that are not too large. However, if you want to apply make-up to larger cracks or wounds, we recommend using gelatine. It is heated before use to become liquid and can then also be used to make up burns. You can use a special liquid latex milk to reapply make-up to scars, wounds and torn skin to create a realistic effect.

Cut wound withEffect waxdo it yourself – instructions

Here we have shown how you can make cuts yourself. Take a piece of wax and rub it back and forth until it becomes warm and forms an elongated shape. Then spread the derma wax onto the desired area and stick it in place with a cosmetic skin adhesive if necessary. With a little petroleum jelly on your fingers, the edges of the wound can be perfectly blended with the skin. To open the wound, you should make a longitudinal incision using something not too sharp (for example nail scissors).


To make the cut look more realistic, you should apply a powder or foundation makeup that matches your skin tone as long as the colors balance. Next, paint the inner edges of the wound with black and the center with red, then apply fake blood to the cut.

Movie bloodapplyand complete the Halloween look

Finally, apply some red eyeshadow or blush around the wound to make it look more natural. Apply some fake blood beyond the wound and your cut is ready. In combination with a matching outfit you can achieve a spooky Halloween look.

QuickStab wounddo your own make-up

With the effect wax you can easily apply make-up to puncture wounds on any part of the body. The procedure is the same as for a cut, although the cut should be smaller and not require too much make-up. Different scars can also be made up in this way without the film blood.

originalHalloween ideas

In addition to stab wounds and cuts, gunshot wounds are also a popular idea for makeup for Halloween. They are easiest to make up using derma wax and can be combined with many different costumes.

Gunshot woundmake up for Halloween

First, a flat ball is formed from the effect wax and stuck to the face or another desired part of the body. Cut out a hole in the middle, paint the area in and around it, apply fake blood and the bullet wound is ready.

ShreddedHighas makeup for Halloween

Another great method is to use latex milk and kitchen towels. The liquid latex milk is brushed over the skin on the desired part of the body with a brush or make-up sponge. While it is still damp, the first layer of kitchen towel strips is applied to it and blow dried. Then apply four or five more layers of latex milk and paper towels in the same way. Then carefully tear the paper until the desired tears form. Finally apply fake blood. Tip: for larger wounds, it would be more realistic if you also left blood stains on your clothing with a little fake blood.

cutsitKnuckles with gelatin

Different wounds can be made up with gelatin for special effects make-up. It is first heated to become liquid and then applied to the skin. The gelatin cools down relatively quickly and can then be applied further and filled with fake blood. Some cotton balls in the wound look like bones, creating a more spooky effect.

Creating burnsaeerily beautiful look

Burns are a scary idea for Halloween make-up. Gelatine or latex milk with some kitchen paper are best suited for this. If you choose to do this, you will want to sculpt bubbles into the skin to make it appear burned.

Burnsfrom kitchen towels

To make a burn yourself with latex milk, you should first shave the desired area to avoid painful makeup removal. The burn is made up like the torn skin, without making the big tears in the kitchen towels. When applying makeup, you should use red and black face paints or watercolors until you get the desired effect.

Abrasions onFaceor body

Abrasions anywhere on the body are very popular during Halloween because they serve as a good addition to any spooky costume. They can be applied using any method, although derma wax and latex milk are preferable.

Halloween Look mitbruiseand abrasions

The easiest way to get simpler abrasions without heavy bleeding is to use the so-called stubble sponge and some red watercolor. They combine well with bruises and make the Halloween look a little spookier.

Scarsmake-up for Halloween

To make up scars, a scar fluid called Rigid Collodion is usually used. The initially liquid solution contracts very strongly as it dries and deforms the skin into realistic scars. Using the special effect product is very uncomplicated and the scar fluid costs less than 7 euros.

Here's a cool video on how to make the look extra realistic:

And if you want to make scars yourself without SFX products, you can try this idea with eyelash glue: