Crafting with natural materials – 35 decoration ideas with acorns

TheCrafting with natural materialscan be a great leisure activity for you and your family. It's fun for both adults and children. So don't hesitate - organize a trip in the middle of the forest or park and collectAcorns. We'll show you creative ways to decorate your house and garden with them.

Crafting with natural materials – A mini nest with blue eggs and moss

The acorns are extremely durable and are therefore preferred for decorations. After collecting the acorns, scatter them on magazines at home and let them dry in a well-ventilated room for 2 weeks. Or you can place the acorns in the preheated oven for 5 minutes to dry them out. Decorate the table with brightly colored acorns. Spray the acorn cap with glitter spray and stick a hanger on it - and you have a decoration for itChristmas treeconjured. Do you have an old wooden basket? Give it a new look - cover the basket with acorns and fill it with autumn leaves and fresh flowers.Crafting with natural materialscan be a lot of fun – and you can come up with creative designs yourself.

Crafting with natural materials – acorn hats and felt

Tie two or three acorns together and you have made a napkin ring. Wrap small gifts imaginatively – use lace instead of ribbon and stick acorns on it. Decorate wine bottles with fall leaves and acorns. You can use the acorn caps to stick on a photo frame. The possibilities are practically endless - we have collected some interesting inspiration for you that is easy to DIY and suitable even for beginners.

Craft idea from acorns with faces

TheCrafting with natural materialsNot only can it be a lot of fun, but it can also be very useful for the children. It is important that they learn to appreciate nature from an early age.

Acorns and pine cones as winter decorations with white accents

Make blue acorns as pendants for branches

Crafting with natural materials – decorating with acorns

Crafting with natural materials – stylish decorations

Christmas decorations made from acorn caps

Napkin ring my Natural look

Out of

Decorate the table for autumn