If you have decided to invite the wedding guests along with their children, then you should consider another aspect of wedding planning. So that the parents can also have a good time, it is worth creating a separate children's table for the wedding. This means the little ones can play with their peers, let off steam and have a lot of fun. Today we have collected a lot of ideas and tips on how to design the children's table for your wedding reception and how the little wedding guests can really enjoy themselves at the celebration.
Ideas and tips for a colorful and inviting children's table
Everyone knows that children rarely stay at the table for long. They always finish eating faster than adults and want to run, play and explore everything there is to discover. But when is it worth having a separate children's table where the little ones eat together?
When do you need it?aseparate table?
On the one hand, the children must be older than 5 years or at least be able to eat alone. Is it forbabies or small children, then they should sit with their parents for safety reasons. On the other hand, the little ones have to be used to talking to other children and sitting at the table without their parents. Basically: If there are more than 4-5 children aged 5 and over at the wedding, then a children's table is recommended. Nevertheless, you can ask parents with children in advance whether their child/children would sit at a special table.
Children's table forWeddingdecorate
As far as the table decorations are concerned, they are the sameColors and motifsrecommended, which are used in the rest of the decoration. To make the children's table different from the one for adults, you can play a little more with color and use fun decorations. A matching sign with the inscription “Kids” or “Children” should also not be missing. The table can still be lower than the others and children's chairs also fit well. But if older children or teenagers also sit together with the little ones, then the design should not be too childlike.
To clearly distinguish the children's table for the wedding, you can have the chairs decorated. In this way, parents can orientate themselves more quickly when they want to find their child. A great and very simple idea would be to tie some colorful ribbons in the wedding colors around the chairs. Even a simple design can look really effective, don't you think?
If you want to distribute the places at the wedding, then you needmatching place cards. These should not be missing at the children's table and can be designed as part of the table decoration. Another great idea for the little ones' table is to put a small activity at the table, such as a coloring picture.
Wedding coloring pages
Painting and coloring are quiet entertainment options for children that keep them busy at the table. That's why many brides and grooms opt for a small coloring picture or even a whole coloring and activity book for their little wedding guests. You can then keep this as a small gift.
If only a fewChildren at the weddingIf you are invited, you can even make these party favors yourself. Simply find a suitable coloring picture with a motif about marriage and print it out in as many copies as the number of children. In addition to a picture, the little ones also need some colored pencils with which to color it. You can either integrate the pens into the table decorations or wrap them like a small gift.
Entire coloring books that are designed with attention to detail look even more original. These should have a title page where the names of the wedding couple and the date are written. In addition to coloring pages, you can provide small puzzles or games in the book. Have the children paint the wedding cake or a picture of the bride and groom and then compare the results.
If you can't make a coloring book yourself, you can also find it online. There is a large selection of coloring books and pictures available online that you can order for your wedding. The fun is guaranteed.
Another alternative to a coloring book or picture is a table coaster that is designed with fun games, puzzles and pictures to color in. This way the little ones can entertain themselves until the food is served.
Party favorsfor the little ones
If there are children among the wedding guests, you should think about a suitable guest gift. Children look forward to children's books, toys and sweets the most. These can of course be adapted to the wedding theme and also belong on the children's table for the wedding.
Keep the children busy at the celebration
So that the little guests don't get bored at your wedding, you should also think about an original children's activity. The ideas should match the age of the children and ensure a good mood. We have a few suggestions for you.
Wedding locationwithSelect playground
When choosing the wedding location, you can choose a hotel or restaurant that has a nice playground for children. There the little ones can play together and let off steam instead of being bored at the table. If there are a lot of small children, it is also worth hiring an entertainer.
The children's table for themWeddingturn into a canvas
Coloring pages are great, but what's even better? Of course – paint directly on the table! This is usually allowed on the children's table for the wedding if a large piece of paper is stretched over the table instead of a tablecloth. Just provide the little one with a few colored pencils and let her creativity run wild.
Tip: You can toodrawing with chalk on the table, but only if there is a separate children's table for playing.
A play areaforthe children create
Even if there is a special children's table for the wedding, the little ones rarely stay at it for long. Children have a lot of energy and want to use it up with activities such as playing, dancing and running. That's why it's worth creating a suitable play area in addition to a dining table for children. And don’t forget – adults are not allowed!