The wedding day should be one of the most beautiful days in a couple's new phase of life. On this special day, the bride and groom will be the center of attention. A lot of organization is required to ensure that the wedding celebration becomes a wonderful and unforgettable experience for the new family and its guests of honor. Good planning is particularly important if there are children present. In today's article we would like to give you some helpful tips and good advice on the subject of children at the wedding, so that your personal celebration of love goes exactly as you imagine.
Deciding whether children will be present at the wedding
While there is nothing better for a bride and groom than having a child in their arms and seeing the little guests raging around them, others don't dare to invite children because they are afraid that there can always be unexpected surprises with children. When it comes to having children at a wedding, opinions actually differ. Neither view is wrong because, after all, adolescents are a part of your celebration. For this reason, you should consider in advance whether youInvite childrenwant or not. Below we will explore some of the most important and common questions to make this decision easier for you.
Is it appropriate not to invite children to a wedding?
According to wedding etiquette, the answer to this question is “yes.” Especially if the wedding takes place in the evening or is very formal. If the majority of wedding guestsFamilies with childrenand are from the town where the wedding reception is taking place, it would also be easier for them to leave their loved ones with a trusted babysitter during the celebration.
To whom should the invitation be addressed?
According to wedding experts, the traditional way to indicate whether children will be at the wedding is to write their names on the invitation. If the invitations are sent by post and placed in an envelope, it is sufficient if only the parents' names are written on them. On the invitation itself, you should write the children's names underneath those of their parents. Teenagers over 18 should receive a separate invitation, even if they live in their parents' home.
Inform guests with children by telephone
If you find the time, it would be a good idea to call your friends and relatives with children to let them know your decision. This way, your guests will be able to organize childcare in a timely manner and you will let them know that their children will be well looked after and entertained at the wedding.
Clear rule for or against the presence of children at the wedding
So that the joy of this happy day is not spoiled, it is important to make a decision, make a clear statement and, of course, stick to it. For example, you are welcome to only invite children from your immediate family, such as nieces and nephews. It would also be appropriate to set an age limit. However, if you want to celebrate big and have invited over 100 guests, including 20 children aged 10 or older, you might want to think carefully about this rule. After all, the newlyweds should be the ones in the spotlight on their wedding day.
Flower girl and ring bearer at the wedding
Although your sibling's children should usually take precedence over those of a friend, it's best to keep the following wedding etiquette in mind: Your choice of sprinkle angels and ring bearers should be limited to children ages 3 to 7. This provision arises from the fact that younger children cannot make it to the end of the ceremony without the support of adults.
How to include children in the wedding?
If you include the little guests of honor in the wedding, there will definitely be no boredom. There are lots of tasks that adolescents can take on. Depending on their age, the children can, for example, take on the role of usher, circulate the congratulations book, manage the guest book or distribute the wedding gifts. The children can also take part in the reception. An important prerequisite for the well-being of the little guests would be that the respective task corresponds to the personality of the child. An introverted child, no matter how talented he or she is, will most likely be reluctant to do a reading in front of everyone present.
If there are children among your esteemed wedding guests, this raises the question of whether a special menu would be necessary for them. Children's meals, even the simplest ones, make children happy. Regardless of whether they eat with their parents or at the children's table, you should offer them child-friendly food. You might also want to think of fun names for the dishes. The little ones will feel very special if you organize a separate buffet for them or place the food in the middle of the children's table. Adolescents often get hungry from time to time. Fruit and vegetable sticks and other delicious finger food are popular snacks at the table.
Children's table at the wedding
A separate table for younger guests offers several advantages. Regardless of whether you choose several mini tables or invite all the children around one large table, the children can talk undisturbed, play with each other and, if you provide coloring books and crayons, can also let off steam creatively. This way the little ones will have fun while the rest of the wedding party eats and admires the bride and groom. If your budget and location allows, you can also accommodate children aged 7 to 14 in another room with childcare.
Children's activities at the wedding
Even if you haven't organized a separate room for the little guests, you should think in advance about what to do with the children at the wedding. To ensure that the adolescent's patience is not tested on your big day, some preparation would be necessary. In addition to coloring books and small toys, other activities such as face painting or a visit from a magician are sure to be fun for the children. Various children's games at the wedding are guaranteed to be well received and the little guests will be extremely entertained. At a wedding with children, games like “Journey to Jerusalem”, “Grandma, Hunter, Lion”, “Scavenger Hunt” and various dance games are great activities. Incidentally, children who love to dance can break the ice and attract the wedding guests to the dance floor.