In April it is already time to start working intensively in the garden. There is so much to do in the vegetable garden. But which vegetables to plant in April? There are a number of vegetables that do exactly thismonth to plantare. Check out the list we put together for you and get to work! Also pay attention to the correct growing conditions for each type of vegetable!
What vegetables to plant in April: zucchini, pumpkins and cucumbers
Zucchini, pumpkins, cucumbers and pumpkins are generally called cucurbits. They can be sown in the greenhouse now and planted outdoors once the danger of frost has passed. Plenty of water is required for plants once they are established.
Sowing in April: eggplants, chili peppers and tomatoes
You still have time to sow eggplants, chilies and tomatoes. They take a long time to mature, so sowing should be finished this month. You need a heated indoor greenhouse so that germination occurs more quickly.
Plant celeriac now
Celeriac is a plant that requires a long growth phase. It is usually harvested in autumn/winter. April is the best timeto sow them. Water adequately and keep free of weeds.
Sow beetroot in April
Beetroot is an easy-care vegetable. The plants need fertile, well-drained soil. Don't forget to thin the seedlings to about 10cm when they are about 3cm tall. The plants need plenty of water once they are established.
Sow cabbage in spring
Cabbage needs nutrient-rich soil. Note that you need a lot of space for cabbage. Plant the seedlings about three feet apart. Cabbage needs a lot of water, so water regularly.
The time of carrots
Now you can sow carrots. The floor should be clean and soft. Consider protecting your plants from the carrot fly. You can do this by creating a barrier, e.g. B. attach a horticultural fleece around the plants. Thin the seedlings once they are a few inches tall.
Broccoli is suitable for direct sowing
Broccoli is a heavy eater and needs lots of nutrients,as well as lots of water. If you plant broccoli too late in the spring, it will bolt in hot weather. As with cabbage, the distance between plants should be about one meter.
What to plant in April: Peas
Peas are a very easy-care vegetable. They will ripen soon and can be harvested in summer. They can be sown directly into the garden. Sow the seeds densely so that the plants will support themselves when they are large enough.
Sow leeks this month
Leeks are harvested in autumn. In April it can be sown directly into the ground and provided with adequate cover until the seedlings are not large enough.
Plant a variety of lettuces
Lettuce is sown in April and planted out when it is large enough. Protect the young plants from snails,by removing the pestscollect by hand. Water regularly and sufficiently, because salads like a lot of water.
Plant radishes in spring
A fresh salad with radishes is very popular with many of us this season. Radishes are a fast-growing vegetable. You can sow them directly outdoors every three weeks. So you will enjoy the freshness of this vegetable all summer long.
Don't forget spinach
Spinach can also be sown directly into the garden this month. If the weather is not warm enough, protect the seedlings with garden fleece. Spinach needs a lot of water. Provide plants with protection from snails.
What vegetables to plant in April: Swiss chard
Chard is a beautiful vegetable that should be planted in full sun or a partially shaded spot. Sow chard directly into the garden in April. Water abundantly.
Sow beets in spring
Beets also grow quickly. They only need six weeks to harvest. You can also eat the leaves. This type of vegetable also needs a lot of water to thrive.