Choosing wedding rings that match your skin tone – this is what you should pay attention to!

When choosing their jewelry, women usually do researchColors that perfectly complement your outfit. But when it comes to wedding rings, the choice is more difficult. After all, this is a one-time purchase and a piece of jewelry that the bride and groom will wear for a lifetime. Which metal, which color, which style, which shape, which polish should it be? There are so many factors that need to be taken into account. There's one thing you shouldn't overlook: your skin type. Whether the jewelry flatters you depends on the perfect match between skin tone and metal color.

Who says that wedding rings always have to be the same?

When choosing your wedding rings, you should choose the metal color and gemstone that best suits you and your partner. And what if you both have different skin types? Then you shouldn't hesitate and opt for different metal colors. That's not a bad thing at all, after all, you both have individual personalities and you have different preferences. So this little thing shouldn't stand in the way of your happiness. After all, there are many other ways your rings can look cohesive. You can choose the same surface treatment and shape or have a personal engraving incorporated. With an online configurator, for example, you canPut together wedding rings individuallyand playfully try out different combinations. Both rings can be changed completely independently, with 3D live view. It is important to find a connecting element that symbolizes their togetherness.

How to determine your skin tone

It is important to mention that skin tone does not match skin color. It is the undertone of the skin that is reflected or enhanced by the color white. Your skin color can be affected by environmental factors such as the weather or the sun. Skin tone, on the other hand, is closely linked to your ethnic background. The easiest way to determine it is to look at the color of your veins on the bottom of your wrist. It's best to wear a white top and stand in front of a mirror.

You have a cool skin tone, if your veins are bluish-purple. Your hair is probably blonde, dark brown, or black. Your eyes are most likely light blue or brown. If your skin gets sunburned easily or tends to blush, it is also in this category. Metals such as are suitable for light to pale skin typesSilver, platinum or white goldbest, as these perfectly underline the light skin tone.

You have a warm skin tone, if your veins are predominantly green. Your hair is probably red or light blonde. Their eyes are most likely light blue, green, or hazel. If you can easily achieve the perfect summer complexion, you probably have a yellowish orolive-colored, warm undertone. The colors that go best with it areYellow gold and rose gold.

If youof African American, Arab or Indian originyou most likely fall into the warm skin tone category - although some African American women have a dark brown, ebony-like cast with a more cool (bluish) undertone.

If your veins appear blue in some areas and green in others, you havea neutral skin tone. Then you're in luck! They will look great in both white and yellow metals. Two-tone wedding rings with contrasting precious metals such as white gold with rose or platinum with yellow gold are particularly beautiful.

Once you've determined whether you have warm or cool undertones, it's easy to find a metallic color that best suits your skin type. Trust your intuition and you will find the perfect wedding rings for you and your partner that specifically represent your love and togetherness!