108 ideas on how to color, decorate and design Easter eggs

What would Easter be without Easter eggs! To finally bring the spring and Easter spirit home, you need a colorful egg arrangement. The eggs and figures can be designed with a lot of creativity - if you like it traditional, you can dye and paint them, if you like crafts, you can attach stickers to them or cover the eggs with felt material or tie them with yarn, write sayings and lettering on them - and so on much more is possible. You have absolute creative freedom.

Browse through our gallery and get inspiration for your individual egg design! All you need is some craftsmanship and a lot of imagination.

You can either dye eggs yourself or buy them ready-made. However, it is nicer if you design them according to your individual ideas and ideas, so that each...Egg as a highlightis staged. You can do the Easter custom of coloring eggs with your children - it will be great fun for them. Here's how it works: Place warm, hard-boiled eggs in a dye bath and let them sit for 3-4 minutes. When the desired color intensity is achieved, place the eggs in the kitchen roll to blot off the excess color. You can paint the eggs with Easter paint and a brush and add creative or Easter patterns and figures.

Creative decoration ideas

Wherever Easter is celebrated, the festive week is a popular craft time. In addition to all the traditional Easter decorations, there are many beautiful ideas from other countries that are easy to imitate and conjure up a very special atmosphere on the Easter table. There are other traditions in different countries, but they can also festively decorate houses and apartments at Easter. Why not take a look into the distance – implement a decoration idea from Scandinavia, the Mediterranean or the Balkans?

Decorate blown eggs

There are several techniques you can use to create blown eggs. You can carefully pierce them with a needle. You have to be very careful with the eggs as they are very fragile. Another option would be to apply glue to the egg and carefully wrap it with wool or yarn. You can also paint your eggs creatively with felt-tip pens and add landscapes and Easter motifs to them.

Great decoration ideas and craft tips

To be able to hang your homemade eggs, you should make a hole in the middle of the egg and carefully put yarn thread into the hole. The homemade arrangement can be hung decoratively on a bush.

Table decoration

You can create the effect of eggs wrapped in wool by dyeing such rings. You can also use wool for this. Wrap the wool roughly around the eggs so that there are always gaps that will be colored when dipped in the dye. After that, take the egg out of the paint and remove the wool thread. Then repeat the whole thing as often as you like with other colors until you get the pattern you want. Alternatively, you can color the egg a certain color and paint the rings with a brush. It is best to use watercolors.

Painting Easter eggs

Decoration idea in black and white

Design with Easter paint

Happy craft idea

Make your own Easter decorations

Crafting with felt

Getting ready for the Easter egg hunt

Traditional Motive

Simple craft idea

Decorate with colorful wrapping paper

Use Easter paint for patterns

Vintage Design

Winter motifs

Write sayings on it

Punch out and attach figures

Blown out eggs