Crafting with clothespins for Easter: 7 DIY ideas with instructions

Easter is a family celebration that children excitedly await. There is hiding, searching, finding and also crafting. While looking for creative and easy craft projects, we came across an interesting craft material - wooden clothespins. Clothespins are primarily used for hanging up damp laundry. However, they are perfect for making fun Easter decorations yourself and especially forCrafts with children. Below we present seven cool onesCraft ideaswith clothespins for Easter.

Crafting with clothespins for Easter: Make Easter bunnies out of wooden clothespins

Once you have the starting material, crafting with clothespins for Easter is very easy. Everything you need for the craft projects we present here can definitely be found in every household. The biggest advantage of wooden clothespins is that they are wonderful forCrafts with childrensuitable.

Easter bunnies made from wooden clothespins as funny inserts

In order to make the wooden clothespins bright and colorful, opaque paints are required. Watercolors or colored pencils are also suitable for this, but coloring works best with acrylic colors. Felt pens can also be used for the details. You can also stick on the clothespins and use themWashi Tapedecorate creatively.

Due to their shape, the clothespins are perfect forMaking fun Easter bunnies. These can be made playful or very abstract, depending on what you want to decorate with them. With the help of a few ice cream sticks you can make cute Easter bunny plugs to create an atmospheric decoration for desserts and Easter pastries.

Crafts with clothespins for Easter: Easter bunnies

The Easter bunnies made from wooden clothespins become particularly beautiful and cute if you first color them white on all sides. It is best to use opaque acrylic paint for this. This is also great for crafting with children. When the paint is completely dry, you can incorporate or paint on other decorative elements and additional details such as eyes, rabbit nose, whiskers, etc.

If the wooden clothespins are not being used to hold things, their springs can be removed and the two parts can be glued together with wood glue to create cute bunnies. In this way you can easily attach them to an ice cream stick, for example.

The cute details of the bunny can be drawn on the colored wooden clothespin with felt-tip pens or playfully depicted using other materials. This should be approached with great attention to detail.

Crafting with clothespins for Easter: DIY bracelet with funny Easter bunnies

A really great craft idea is to make an original bracelet with Easter bunnies for a child. First, lots of cute Easter bunnies are made out of the clothespins and then tied with a rubber band to make a pretty and funny bracelet.

Easter bunnies make crafts with clothespins for Easter

The wooden clothes pegs can be beautifully decorated for Easter and can also be used to hold things. With little effort, a lot of creativity and materials that can certainly be found in every household, small accents with Easter motifs can be created that immediately conjure up a good mood. In no time at all, a conventional wooden clothespin becomes a playful Easter decorative element that perfectly complements the rest of the decoration.

An Easter bunny clothespin can be designed in many different ways. On the one hand, the two rabbit ears are created effortlessly from the two parts of a wooden clothespin. On the other hand, you can simply cut out a simple bunny motif from cardboard in any Easter color and stick it directly onto the clothespin.

Creative crafts with clothespins for Easter: clothespin chicks

A really playful idea is to make an Easter egg from which a chick hatches. For an egg you need a clothespin and some colorful paper, preferably leftover paper. First you make an egg and a chick out of paper. Now cut the egg with a jagged pattern and glue the chick behind the bottom half of the egg so that it looks as if the chick is sticking out.

Next, glue the bottom half of the egg to the bottom of the clothespin and the top half of the egg to the top so that the two fit together. Finally, when the clothespin is closed, all you see is an Easter egg and when you open it, the chick peeks out.

Make an Easter wreath with clothespins for Easter

You can easily make a cool wreath from colorfully decorated clothespins. For this you need a lot of clothespins and a disc that serves as a base for the wreath. This can be made of cardboard, wire or another solid material. The clothespins are decorated for a few minutes using colorfully patterned washi tapes. Then all you have to do is arrange the decorated clothespins together on the window. Finally, additional decorative elements and motifs can be attached to the wreath.