Children make crafts with milk cartons for Easter and spring

Empty milk cartons can almost certainly be found in your trash can. They are ideal for crafting and can serve a whole new purpose, especially in spring. Children can make effective flower pots and birdhouses out of milk and juice tetra packs. So we kill two birds with one stone: Children love to paint and we join the upcycling trend!

The necessary accessories

Empty and rinse the milk cartons as best as possible to remove any leftover milk.For craftingYou will also need newspapers to lay out, acrylic paints, a few paper plates, sponge and fine brushes, scissors and a permanent marker.

Decide how deep your flower pot should be. Use the permanent marker to draw long rabbit ears freehand and the lines where you want to make cuts. Using scissors, poke a hole in the center of the box and start cutting through the box from that point until the top half is removed.

Make your own flower pot out of milk carton

Note: If the flowers are planted directly in the milk carton, you should also make a few holes in the bottom to allow water to drain. Store the milk carton pots on a ceramic dish when used indoors.

Now let the children color the empty milk cartons. Line the work surface with newspapers. Add some paint to a paper plate and let the fun begin!

After the final coats have been applied, allow the paint to dry thoroughly. In the meantime, you can take the children to the hardware store so they can choose their favorite plants for the rabbit pots. You can use the milk carton flower pots to start seeds or as a planter for flowers and plants all year round.

Other DIY projects using milk cartons

Easter & Spring

Colorful Easter eggs: 10 great ideas to imitate

Easter is simply unthinkable without colorful Easter eggs. Traditionally, eggs are colored monotonously and given away on Easter Monday. If you like it a little more creative and especially if children are taking part, you can also add a pretty motif to it. We have chosen the 10 most original DIY projects for colorful Easter eggs

Once the paint has dried you can add some fine details andthe rabbit more characterlend. Using a brush with a fine tip and paint, paint the ears and noses. With a permanent marker and a few lines you can conjure up the eyes and mouth!

Take a look at the great ideas in our picture gallery and experiment with other motifs, shapes and materials! Have fun crafting!

Find out what you can do with the packaging for the Ü-eggsin this article.