When the sun shines through the window and the meteorologists promise spring-like temperatures, the need grows within us to bring the newly awakened nature into our homes and celebrate this beautiful season with a special oneSpring decorations in the windowto appreciate. The ideas we have put together for you today are diverse, easy to make and would be beautifulSpring feverawaken in you.
Spring decorations in the window– Beautifully blooming bulbous flowers
Before you decorate the windows for spring, they should be cleaned thoroughly. With this whiteness, the sun's rays will find their way into the apartment undisturbed. The simplest decoration idea is to place spring flowers on the windowsill. Whether hyacinths, crocuses or daffodils, in a pot or in a vase, the effect is always enormous. Cherry, peach and forsythia branches also go well.
Arrange spring decorations in the window
For spring decorations with flowers, you can use various glass vessels - glass vases, preserving jars, drinking glasses and candy dishes. They can all be filled with water and individual cut flowers and arranged on the windowsill. It is particularly pretty when the vases and bottles are of different heights.
pink ranunculus in a mason jar
If you have baby glasses or lots of small, light vases, you can hang them from the window frame. Simply wrap a sturdy string or wire around the neck of the vase and knot it.
Spring decorations in the window – small white tulips and other fresh spring flowers
You can also make a successful spring decoration for the window yourself. Spring motifs such as the sun, butterflies, ladybugs and chicks are also suitable here. Cut the designs out of paper and then sew them together, close together. Leave about 20 centimeters of yarn at the beginning and end for later hanging. The muffin cases are also ideal for such craft projects, as they can be transformed into beautiful paper flowers in no time. Check out the ideas below and let your imagination run wild.
Paint glass bottles and fill them with individual cut flowers
small vases hanging from the window frame
beautiful white roses
Make a garland out of paper butterflies
Punch out butterflies from paper
Create 3D effect