Making Easter bunnies with children – ideas for gifts and decorations

Easter is all about crafting and decorating. Crafting is without a doubt a great thing and not only promotes creativity and skill, but can also be a powerful antidote to boredom for children and their parents! Turn Easter crafts with children into the absolute highlight of the holidays! We've put together some great ideas on how you can make fun Easter bunnies here!

When doing crafts with children, every child has the opportunity to let their imagination run wild. Crafting fun is guaranteed with children. Easter crafting doesn't necessarily have to take place at home and the first thing you can do is go out into the great outdoors and collect craft supplies and decorative items for your festive arrangement. The homemade Easter bunnies can be put in the Easter basket, in a flower pot or in the flower bed.

Easter bunny craft ideas

Would you like to make gifts for a loved one yourself? The best thing to do is make something pretty. Many crafts are suitable as gifts –like beautiful Easter cards, dolls, gift bags, decorative items. When Easter crafting starts, you should have some materials on hand. Paper is probably the most popular craft material that everyone has at home. Beautiful Easter decorations with bunny patterns can be made from paper - such as garlands, cards, name tags, etc. The right building materials can of course also be bought at the craft store.

Attractive greeting cards to make yourself

Many things can be made from old things. You can use wood for the bunny body and make the bunny ears from scraps of fabric. A black punk marks the nose. For the beard hair, pieces of thread can be cut and fixed on the nose. Now all you have to do is attach a tail made from leftover wool. Voila!

A sock bunny

Make Easter cards with children

Embroider gift bags with Easter bunny motifs

Bunny gift bag for crafting

Cardboard bunny gift tags

Cute gift bags with Easter decorations

You can make bunny dolls from scraps of fabric

Decorate with bunny silhouettes

Cute felt bunnies