Easter crafts – How you can put fabric scraps to practical use

If you have a lot of leftover fabric that you think you can no longer use, then wait a moment before throwing it away. Today we're going to show you a few clever ways to use them for your Easter decorations. We present you some ideas for Easter crafts with leftover fabrics that you will definitely fall in love with. And rightly so! Not only do they look wonderful, but they are also unique and easy to make.

The Easter basket is either made from existing fabric scraps or you buy pieces of fabric. Use them to wrap a cord and sew the fabric onto it. The cord, in turn, is arranged in a spiral to form the bottom, after which it should run upwards. Sew each new row to the previous one or use glue instead. In this case, don't forget to use a base. Don't you think the result of this idea is amazingly beautiful? The basket is ideal for storing the painted eggs.

Would you like to show off a more original version instead of the classic Easter eggs this time? Then Easter eggs like these are a really great idea for Easter crafts. Here too, all you need is lots of pieces of fabric scraps. But make sure that you only choose friendly colors or that they at least predominate. More specifically, you need longer strips that you can braid together. Furthermore, with this idea you can tooreuse old water bottles. These should be roughly in the shape of an egg, because that's what you'll wrap the fabric around. Another variation is to simply use plastic eggs. Wrap the eggs or bottle with the braided fabric scraps and you will get pretty Easter eggs with a modern look. Directions:favecrafts

Other ideas with eggs and fabric:

Decorate your front door in a special way by trying a wreath made from fabric scraps. Here, too, you need strips that are the same length and of course colorful. You can then use them to decorate an ordinary cardboard ring by knotting them into place. The wreath has a cute look that suits not only Easter but spring in general. If you want to use the wreath on both sides, you should also choose a fabric that has a pattern on both sides. You may also consider decorating the wreath with additional accessories such as Easter eggs, chicks, flowers, or other Easter motifs. The wreath in the shape of an Easter bunny, which you will see in a moment, is also very original. Directions:afaithfulmommy

Make an Easter garland from scraps of fabric. To do this, tie strips of fabric onto wire again. You can combine these as you wish with cut-out bunnies, Easter eggs, ribbons or flowers. You can design your own garland according to your taste and use the colors and motifs you like. Come up with something interesting and decorate a bare wall or window with a pretty Easter garland.