Growing roses: Use candle leftovers to make the flowers last for a long time and create beautiful decorations with wax roses!

Its delicate, fragrant flowers are the reason why it is called the queen of flowers. The rose has become a symbol of eternal love. Whether given as a gift in a bouquet or as a cut flower from your own garden: everyone looks forward to a bouquet of roses and of course wants to admire it for longer. Candle wax is a good way to make the flowers last for a long time. We explain how to grow the roses and what you should consider when topping them.

Would you like to admire the fresh cut flowers for a long time or preserve the romantic bridal bouquet? We explain how you can grow roses and make them last for a long time. You need the following materials:

  • Candle wax or leftover candles (but not colored wax)
  • an empty can or jam jar
  • an old pot that you can use for wax melting
  • the cut flowers
  • empty disposable bottles (one bottle per flower)
  • wooden shish kebab skewers

Make wax roses yourself: explained step-by-step

1. Lay out the work surface

First, line the work surface with cling film. This will prevent the hot wax from dripping off the flowers and damaging the work surface.

2. Trim the stems of the cut flowers and remove the leaves directly under the flowers.

The roses should have long stems, so do not cut off the flowers under any circumstances. However, you should remove all leaves directly under the flowers. Use onlyfresh cut flowers, You cannot cover wilted roses with wax - the flowers will simply fall off.

3. Melt the candle wax in a water bath

Now you can put the wax in the can. Fill the pot one-third full with water and heat it up. Then carefully place the can in the pot and let the candle wax melt in a water bath. Reduce the heat as the wax begins to melt at 40 degrees Celsius. However, its temperature must under no circumstances exceed 60 degrees Celsius, otherwise there is a risk of fire. It's best to measure the temperature and when the thermometer shows 50 degrees Celsius, remove the container from the pot. Stir the wax well with a kebab skewer; it should have a liquid consistency. The can or jam jar should be 75% full of liquefied wax.

4. Color the wax (if desired) and decorate the roses as desired.

If you want to spice up the color of the cut flowers, you can add a few drops of food coloring to the liquefied wax. Of course, quickly stir the whole thing together with the shish kebab skewer. This idea is perfect for Halloween: Then you can spice up red roses with black food coloring.

Now is the right time to separate stuck rose petals with the kebab skewer and, if desired, sprinkle them with glitter beads or sugar sprinkles. So you have beautifully decorated roses (not edible).

5. Cover the roses with wax.

Then dip the roses into the melted wax, turning slowly so that the flowers are well coated. Then quickly remove it and put the stem in a bottle. It's best to let the wax roses drain and harden overnight. Choose a place in the shade, so don't put the bottles directly on the windowsill. A cool room is best.

Preserving flowers with wax: common mistakes

A common mistake when preserving fresh cut flowers is using too high a temperature of the melted wax. If you don't have a candy thermometer, you can test with a rose. If it crumbles and deforms, then the wax is too hot.

Another mistake is to leave the wilted leaves on the stem. Remove any wilted material as it will fall off after immersion anyway.

Whether youRose stems after preservationRemove it or not, it doesn't really matter. The wax roses cannot evaporate water and stay fresh longer. Even if they begin to wilt after about three weeks, the leaves do not fall off. First, the petals in the center wilt.

Preserving roses: How long do the cut flowers last?

The wax roses are finished and can be easily displayed together with other natural materials. They look like fresh flowers. But then the question arises: “How long does a wax rose last?” Unfortunately, the wax flowers don't last forever. They usually last around a month but retain their beautiful colors the entire time. So who?Make the bouquet last for a long timeIf you want it, it would be better to dry it.

Safety measures when handling wax roses:Never place the roses near heaters, stoves, fireplaces and other heat sources. Wax is highly flammable material. You should also pay close attention and be very careful when melting candle wax.