Their scent and delicate flowers enchant many hobby gardeners. If you can't wait for spring to admire the hyacinths in the pot or in the flower bed, then this article is for you. Because with a simple trick you can grow the beautiful spring flower even in winter. We explain how you can grow hyacinths in a glass.
Growing hyacinths in a glass: what should you pay attention to?
Hyacinths are among the most beautiful bulb flowers. And like the other bulbs, they can be floated on water. In garden centers you can also find a special hyacinth jar that makes growing them easier. With proper care, the flowers will root, form flowers and open in just a few weeks. At Christmas or right after Christmas you have beautiful houseplants that add a fresh touch to the rest of the winter decorations.
Like other potted plants, hyacinths can now be found in garden centers all year round. Accordingly, the onions can be planted not only in spring, but also in winter. It's not just the end result that's fascinating. It's just as much fun to watch the process day after day. The process is particularly beneficial for families with small children because you can see the children's progress on a daily basis.
If you like the hyacinthsprefer in the glassIf you want to do this, then you must definitely mention this to the garden center when purchasing. They have specially treated bulbs that root faster. These onions are called “prepared”.
Growing hyacinths: Phase 1. Root formation
At home you can then fill a pot with water and bring it to the boil. Then let the water boil over medium heat for about 15 minutes and then remove the pot from the heat. Allow the water to cool. Then distribute the water among the hyacinth jars and place the bulbs in the jars. You will notice that the glasses have a specific shape. They are almost round at the bottom, then have a narrow neck and then end with a small bowl. This is because the bulbs are lying directly above the water, but should not come into contact with it under any circumstances. If the onions are partially or completely submerged in water, they will quickly rot.
Of course, you can also repurpose other glasses you have at home. It is important that you place the onions so that they do not touch the water.
Now you should find the right place for the first phase of the advance. In order for the flowers to take root, it is important that they are kept cool and dark. An old refrigerator (that still works) or a dark basement or garage without windows are perfect. Ideally, the room temperature should be between 5 and 10 degrees Celsius. Do not place the glass directly on the floor, but rather on a cork coaster.
Phase 2 – place the sprouted onions in a bright location
Then it’s time to wait and see. After the onion has developed its roots and sprouts, it can be placed in a sunny but bright location. Make sure that they do not get any direct sunlight initially. Plan on a short adjustment period of several days. During this period you can make cones out of newspaper and place them on the shoots and bulbs. If the shoots grow higher than 7 cm, you can remove the cones. The room temperature must not exceed 10 degrees Celsius during this period.
Hyacinths in a glass: Phase 3. Flower formation
The third phase refers to flower formation. The hyacinths already have roots and tall shoots. Now all that remains is for them to form flowers and for them to open. You can help and speed up the process by placing the flowers in an unheated room, at least overnight.
Growing hyacinths in pots: is that possible?
By the way, hyacinths can also be grown in pots. In this case, you have to fill the container with fresh potting soil and dig a hole in the middle. Then place the bulb in the hole and cover it with the substrate. Then water the soil well and place the pot in an unheated room or in a winter garden. You don't need to keep the hyacinths dark because the bulbs are covered with soil.After the flowersto sprout, you should protect the shoots from strong sunlight for a few days. Then place them in the shade.
Overwinter hyacinths or plant them in the garden?
After the flowers have faded, you can easily plant the hyacinths in the garden. The onions can withstand sub-zero temperatures and will not freeze. However, the above-ground parts of the plant need frost protection. Either you wrap them with fleece or plant them protected from the wind under a tall wintergreen plant.
Also interesting:Beautiful ideas for decoration with flower bulbs to make yourself