Whether for a pool party, a garden party or a simple summer afternoon - water bombs are always suitable and provide great fun. Children in particular enjoy the water fight and have a great time. But it's not just children who are happy about it. Even the child in every adult secretly longs to play with water balloons. Then what are you waiting for? Go buy a large amount of water balloons and get started right away - with family or friends. But don't think that only water fights are possible. On the contrary, numerous other games can also be played. And today we have put together a list of creative and funny ideas for you. This way you will have a large enough selection for the whole summer. Simply choose any water bomb game and the fun can begin. While some are more suitable as water games for children, others can also be chosen or played together by adults.
Water bomb game – crush water balloons
This water bomb game is prepared quite quickly and easily. Simply fill lots of balloons with water, tie them and spread them on the ground. Now you have to try to crush it. The following applies: the fuller the balloons are, the easier they are to burst. You are welcome to oneCompetition out of the gamein which two people or teams compete against each other. Both sides get an equal number of water balloons and whoever pops them all first wins. In addition, you can deliberately fill some balloons less and label them with dots. These more difficult water balloons then earn more points. In this case, you should pop as many balloons as possible in a certain time.
Catch and throw
Two teams will be formed for this game. Each team is given two wash bowls (or other large containers), one empty and the other filled with plenty of water balloons. Both teams line up at least 9 meters apart from each other. The boundaries can be marked to make it easier to adhere to them. Now the water fight can begin. Each team throws bombs at the other, but at the same time has to try to catch the opposing team safely. These are collected in the empty bowl and may not be thrown again. Whoever has the most balloons in the bowl at the end wins the game.
Race in a circle
If you are looking for simple water games that do not require any special preparation, you can also choose this water bomb game. To do this, form teams of two players who have to hold a water balloon between them at stomach level. In this way, they have to walk a predetermined circle (or a straight route if a circle is not possible) without using their hands to help themselves. If the balloon breaks while running, a new one is taken and you have to start again from the starting line. If it is dropped, you can take it again, but you also have to start over. Depending on how much space you have available, several teams can compete at the same time or individually and you stop the time and then count who has brought the most balloons safely to the finish line. This game is also suitablefor the beach.
Pool party games for children and adults - playing with your feet
Lots of laughs and great fun are guaranteed with this water bomb game. Two teams are formed. All players sit in a row next to each other and opposite the opposing team. Each team receives an equal number of water balloons at one end of the line and an empty container at the other end and the game can begin. Set a specific time (e.g. 2 or 3 minutes). The first player in line takes a water balloon from the container and places it on their feet. With the help of the feet, this is then placed on the feet of the next player and so on. The last player places the bomb in the empty container. Whoever has collected the most water balloons at the end wins the party game.
Towel race
Put two teams together. Two players from each team always compete against each other at the same time. Each team receives an equal number of water balloons and a towel that the two players from each team must hold at one end. Another player (or the referee) places a balloon in the middle and the race can begin. The two players now have to run to a predetermined location and back again without the bomb bursting. Once you get back to the start, swap with the next two players. Whoever gets all the balloons to the finish line first wins. For adults and older children, small obstacles can also be set up, such as a stool to climb over, a limbo bar to walk under, and so on. Make sure the surface is not slippery as there will be a lot of running.
Hot potato
In the classic version, music also comes into play. The water bomb is the hot potato and is thrown from one player to another. The throwing player should call out the name of the player who is supposed to catch. If the “potato” falls to the ground, it must be picked up by the named player and thrown further. The water bomb continues to be thrown until the music stops. Whoever has the “potato” in their hand is burned and is eliminated. The same applies if the balloon bursts. The game becomes even more fun if you use a needle to poke a tiny hole in the balloon before filling it with water. Then, on the one hand, the water sprays out of it and it becomes more difficult not to burst when you catch it. Alternatively, you can leave out the music in this water bomb game and simply eliminate those whose balloons burst. But so that this doesn't take too long, they should be filled a little more.
Water bombing game with your nose
This water bomb game is quickly explained. The bombs must be rolled from the start line to the finish line using only the nose. Of course, whoever is faster wins. This game idea can also be implemented with teams.
Play with water balloons and forks
This is also a racing game that requires two (or more) teams. The first player on each team is given two forks on which to balance a water balloon. The balloon may only be held with the forks. In this way he has to run to a certain point, turn around and run back to the starting line, where the forks and the balloon are passed to the next player. If the water bomb bursts on the way, you have to go back to the start and start again. The team whose players are the first to complete a round wins.
Clean shaving foam
You need two balls, a stand on which the balls can be placed without them rolling away, shaving cream and of course water balloons. The balls are then generously sprayed with shaving cream and placed on the stand. The goal is to throw the balloons at the balls and use the water to rinse off the shaving foam. For this purpose, each team receives a ball and plenty of water balloons. Whoever cleans their ball first is the winner.
Slippery throwing game
Everyone chooses a partner. Both stand opposite each other (i.e. two rows are formed) and have to rub their hands with liquid soap or dishwasher. Then they throw a water balloon at each other, which is quite complicated because of the soap. Whoever bursts a balloon is eliminated. The remaining pairs then move one step further apart and the throwing takes place again. The water bomb game continues like this until there is only one pair left. After each throw, the players have to move one or more steps away from each other.
Throwing competition
This is to determine who can throw the furthest. Set a line to throw from. A referee stands on the other side and watches where the water bomb lands. The location is then marked as desired (e.g. with cones). Another option is to set up different targets that need to be hit. Or you can set up a panel with dots. Everyone gets a certain number of throws and collects points. Whoever collects the most points wins the water bomb game.
Pass the water bomb with your chin
A difficult but also very funny task is to pass a water balloon under your chin to the next player. To do this, form two teams. The first players on each team clamp the balloon with the start signal between their chin and neck and then have to pass it on to the next teammate, of course without using their hands. The second player also picks up the balloon with their chin and so on. If the bomb explodes, a new one starts over. The team that first passes a water balloon safely to the last player on the team wins the water balloon game.
Chair dancing with a difference
The principle of this game is similar topopular party game“Chair dancing,” except no chairs are needed. Instead, water balloons are distributed on the lawn - one less than the number of players playing (e.g. 10 players = 9 water balloons). Now music is played and the players have to run in circles around the balloons while the music plays. As soon as the music stops, everyone has to try to grab a balloon. The person who didn't get one has 10 seconds to hide or run away before the others throw the water bombs they got at him.
Pop balloons with your bottom
Two teams each receive an equal number of water balloons. As soon as the start signal is given, the players have to try to pop all the balloons with their bottoms. The hands may not be used to hold the water balloon, but only to retrieve and position it if it has rolled too far away. The team that pops all the balloons the fastest wins.
guessing game
For thisexciting guessing gameA player is chosen who has to think of an object, a person, an animal or something similar. To prevent cheating, he must write down what he has considered or tell it to a referee. The player also gets a container full of water bombs. Now the others start asking questions about the object that can be answered with “yes” or “no” (e.g. “Is it an animal?”, “Is the object round?”, “Is the person an athlete?” and so on). further). For every question that is answered with “no”, the questioning players are pelted with a water bomb. If the answer is “yes,” they will again be spared.
Original volleyball
A volleyball net is set up. Two teams are formed, with the number of players on each team having to be even so that pairs can be formed. Each couple is given a towel that is held at the ends. Furthermore, give each team a container full of water balloons. The referee now places a water balloon on one of the stretched towels. The two players then have to throw the balloon over the net and to the other team. The other team has to catch the bomb with a towel and throw it back again. You continue playing like this until the balloon either falls to the ground or bursts. Then the opposing team gets a point and the game continues with a new balloon. It's best to play the water bomb game up to 21 points, just like in real volleyball.