Make mistletoe decorations yourself: These ideas will bring Christmas happiness into your home!

Are you currently looking for a nice idea for thatChristmas decorations with natural materials, then you can use mistletoe to create a festive atmosphere at home. The evergreen, spherical bushes are covered with white berries in winter that look like small pearls. The mistletoe also looks very decorative in combination with other evergreen branches and is an atmospheric decoration for the Christmas season. We have collected some wonderful suggestions for mistletoe decorations that will immediately put your home in the Christmas spirit. Get inspired!

Decorate your home for Christmas with mistletoe

Hanging mistletoe is a tradition at Christmas time: if you stand under mistletoe with someone, you have to kiss. But even if you don't follow this tradition, hanging mistletoe and other traditional plants likeHolly can make your home look more festive– and who doesn’t want that at Christmas time?

Even a few fresh mistletoe branches are enough for a festive table decoration. You can simply put them in a glass as a vase or use them to decorate the plates. Small mistletoe bouquets or hanging wreaths are also a wonderful idea for decorating the dining area.

Where is mistletoe?

Mistletoes are the so-called semi-parasites that grow on a number of trees, including hawthorn, poplar, apple, linden and conifers. Look for the distinctive evergreen globes, which are easier to spot in fall and winter when the trees have shed their leaves. You can also buy mistletoe online, for example on eBay or in florist shops.

Make mistletoe decorations yourself: 4 simple ideas with fresh mistletoe

Skip the artificial mistletoe this year and create your own arrangement with fresh greenery. It really makes a difference in your Christmas decorations. Here you will find four simple ideas on how you can make the mistletoe decoration yourself.

Kissing ball made of mistletoe

TheKissing Ballis a very popular Christmas decoration idea in the United States. This is a ball filled with natural materials that is usually hung on the door or above the table.

What you need:

  • green floral foam ball
  • Trinkhalm
  • Twine, 1 m long piece
  • small pieces of mistletoe and additional greenery of your choice, e.g. B. Holly, pine, juniper, boxwood, fir, etc.

First, soak the floral foam ball in water for 15 minutes. Then remove the ball from the water and place it on a small towel or paper towel to catch any excess water.

Use a straw to pierce the ball all the way through, creating a tunnel in the center of the ball. Remove the straw and excess foam from the center.

Cut a 1m long piece of string. Fold it in half and thread the ends of the string through the hole. Use the straw to push the string through. Then tie the ends of the string together in a knot. If the hole is large enough to pull the string out, tie the knot around a stem.

Cut the greens into pieces about 6-7 centimeters long. Pull the leaves away from the ends so that you have at least an inch of the stem to tuck into the ball.

Hang the floral foam ball on the twine loop to add the mistletoe and greens. Start at the top of the ball and insert the stems into the ball. Keep them close together to cover the floral foam ball. Add the stems in a circular motion from top to bottom until the ball is completely covered with greens.

Add a loop to the top of the ball. Then hang the kissing ball in the desired location using the cord loop.

Make your own mistletoe decoration: DIY mistletoe wreath

You can also embellish a simple wreath made of thin branches with mistletoe. This idea also works wonderfully with a metal ring.

What you need:

  • small wreath blank made of wood
  • Mistletoe, 2 pieces
  • Blumendraht, 24 gauge
  • Wire cutters
  • Bindfad
  • thin ribbon

Place two sprigs of mistletoe end to end at the bottom of the wreath. Overlap the ends and wrap the floral wire around them and the wreath to secure the mistletoe to the base of the wreath. If necessary, use more floral wire to attach other pieces of mistletoe to conform to the shape of the wreath.

Cut a 15 cm long piece of string. Place it around the top of the wreath form and tie a knot. Tie another knot at the ends to create a hanging loop.

Wrap the ribbon around the top of the wreath and tie a bow. Orient the loop so that it hides the string.

Mistletoe bouquet for hanging

A small bouquet of mistletoe above the entrance symbolizes the goodwill of all entering guests. This is how it is done:

What you need:

  • Mistletoe branches, 2-3 pieces
  • additional greenery, e.g. E.g. juniper, holly, pine etc.
  • green florist ribbon
  • thin red ribbon
  • Bindfad

Cut a 6-inch (15 cm) piece of yarn and tie a knot at one end to create a loop.

Tie the mistletoe and other evergreen branches together with the ends of the twine. The loop should extend above the greenery so that you can easily hang the mistletoe.

Wrap the ends of the stems with green florist's tape to hold the greenery in place. You can leave the exposed stems sticking up or wrap the floral tape all the way down to cover them.

Tie a bow over the green floral ribbon with the red ribbon. Then hang the mistletoe in a festive location.

When the holiday season is over, hang the mistletoe bouquet in a dry place to preserve the arrangement and reuse it next year.

Make your own mistletoe garland

This Christmas garland is made from mistletoe and ivy stems and is perfect for decorating a mantel, door frame or table.

You need:

  • Mistletoe with berries
  • long ivy branches
  • green floral wire
  • thin gift ribbon, 50 cm long piece
  • Hemp rope, approx. 2 m long and 5 mm wide

First, wrap ivy around the entire length of the hemp rope. Tie three mistletoe branches together into a bundle and secure the bundle in the middle of the rope with wire.

Take individual mistletoe sprigs and attach them to the string at intervals. Tie a small piece of ribbon around each mistletoe to hide the wire.