Create modern Advent wreaths for an unusual decoration

If you would like to try out a slightly different Advent wreath this year that doesn't consist of the typical pine greenery, pine cones and bows, then we have some great inspiration for you that you can use to create modern Advent wreaths. If you prefer to buy it ready-made, this will at least give you an idea of ​​what to look for.

You can make variants like this quickly and easily without having to get any special materials. Place the candles on a plate and decorate with things of the same colors. In this case they were for itSnowflakes as Christmas decorationsmade of textile, as well as decorative balls made of natural material.

Do you think it's better if you have traditional accents? Then add some pine greens. White lacquered cans that have been bent in an original way serve as candlesticks. So that you can tell each Advent apart, you can also label the cans with numbers.

You can also design the wreaths by using small or large baubles. In this case, blue, silver and glittery ones served for this purpose. There are also other Christmas figures that have been painted silver. The candles are not standing freely on a surface, but rather are in pretty lanterns in a matching color.

A metal stand with candle holders is wonderful for designing. You can decorate the inner area with the Christmas tree baubles mentioned above or whatever else comes to mind. Here too, the candles are in lanterns and have a pleasant brown color.

Of course you can also use the frame without any additional decorations. This way you get wreaths with an elegant look that is perfect for a minimalist interior style.

Take a plate like this example and arrange your wreaths in it. The result can be impressive. The red bows and the few fir green accents give the wreath an elegant and at the same time romantic look.

If you like crafting with natural materials, you will definitely like this idea. Shape your creation using bark, which you can then fill with decorations like baubles or poinsettias. The candles go in the middle.

For a change, choose rose hips, ivy, mistletoe and poinsettias. You can arrange these in a box that is hidden in this way. Use glass bottles as candle holders and place table candles into them.

Take a branch and cut it into four pieces of any size. You can then use these as candle holders. For the rest of the decoration, let your imagination run wild. For example, distribute bells, pine cones, leaves and paper stars.

To make such rustic versions, you need flexible branches. Willows, for example, are suitable for this purpose. However, the wreath should be made while the branches are still fresh and flexible. Later they would break. Wrap the wreath with a pretty bath and add other items as decoration.

Place the candles on a pretty tray. Then distribute moss and hang tags on the candles that mark each Advent. The pearls distributed in the moss provide elegance.

As you can see, you can create great wreaths with moss. The table candles are in an old metal container and are particularly effective in this way.

The candles are usually all the same. However, for modern Advent wreaths you can try combining different candle designs. This was also done in this example, where the candles are also in original metal containers with numbers.