Who doesn't like gifts? Especially very, very big gifts! Today we present you 3 ideas on how you can make illuminated gift boxes yourself. They are perfect for indoor use or as an XXL outdoor Christmas decoration! It's very simple: you have to design a frame, himfill with fairy lightsand wrap it with Christmas fabrics, ribbons and bows. The only question is which material do you want to choose for the frame: plastic box, wood or wire mesh?
Illuminated outdoor Christmas decorations: Make gifts out of plastic boxes
This could be the quickest DIY outdoor Christmas decoration you've ever made! Using semi-transparent plastic boxes, fairy lights and Christmas ribbons, you can create lighted gifts that are perfect for indoors and outdoors. Customize your design with your favorite lights colors and add festive bows to match your existing Christmas decorations!
Here's how to make a lighted gift box in five steps!
For this lighted gift box, we used three equal-sized containers to create a fun pyramid shape. However, you can also use larger boxes or different sizes to create your own unique presentation. Just keep in mind that you may need an additional string of lights if you use a larger box. Thanks to the Velcro fasteners, the ribbon is easy to swap out, so you can even change the theme of your lighted gifts every year!
Required materials and aids:
- 3 x Semi-Transparent Plastic Containers
- Christmas ribbons and bows
- LED fairy lights
- Scissors
- Klebeclips (optional)
- Velcro strips
Step 1:Wipe the inside of the box to remove dust and dirt and spread the adhesive clips evenly across the bottom of the container. Using the clips is very helpful and ensures an even glow inside the box. You can also just place the lights on the floor underneath the box if you'd rather leave the clips off!
Step 2:Stick a strip of Velcro to each side of the container. You can measure exactly or just make sure the Velcro pieces on each side are centered and facing each other. Wrap the tape still on the spool around the box from one strip of Velcro to the other, leaving about 1-2 centimeters of excess at the end on each side. Then cut the tape and attach the other strip of Velcro to the end. Pull the strap tight and press the two Velcro strips together.
Step 3:Repeat Step 2 to attach another ribbon to the other two sides of the container until the box looks like a wrapped present.
Step 4:Insert the lights into the clips, leaving some wiggle room for the plug to protrude from the box. The rest of the lights that are not clipped in are on the floor underneath the container.
Step 5:If you're just making a lighted gift box, you can add a big bow to it! If you have multiple boxes, you can stack them and arrange them however you want. When you're done, tuck the string lights behind the boxes and enjoy your glowing outdoor Christmas decorations!
Illuminated gifts with wooden frames and outdoor fabrics
For the most stable version of the illuminated gifts, wooden frames are best! Follow our step-by-step instructions below to assemble your wooden boxes, then decorate your gifts with LED lights and outdoor fabrics. After your project is complete, place your glowing outdoor Christmas decorations in the front yard for a delightfulSpreading Christmas cheer throughout the neighborhood!
Materials and tools required:
The following list of materials refers to the production of a total of 3 illuminated Christmas presents in the sizes 30 x 38 cm, 45 x 53 cm and 60 x 68 cm.
- 10 Holzlatten L x B x T: 240 cm x 5 cm x 5 cm
- Screws, 5 cm long
- Cable clamps for screwing (a pack of 100 pieces)
- The stapler
- 3 x transparent shower curtain or outdoor fabric
- 6 x LED fairy lights with 70 micro LEDs
- Decorative ribbon
- A big bow
- saw
- Drill/screwdriver
- Tape measure
- Hammer
- drill
- Pencil
- Gloves (recommended)
- Stapler for wood
How to make your set of 3 lighted gift boxes
Step 1:Cut the wooden slats into the following parts:
Small gift: 12 pieces each 5 x 5 x 30 cm
Medium gift: 12 pieces each 5 x 5 x 45 cm + 2 slats each 5 x 5 x 38 cm as support
Great gift: 12 pieces each 5 x 5 x 60 cm + 2 slats each 5 x 5 x 53 cm as support
Step 2:Using a 7/16 drill bit, pre-drill screw holes in 8 of the 12 pieces of each length of wood. The holes should be drilled into the top and bottom of the boards. Pre-drilling prevents the wood from splitting when screwing the pieces together.
Step 3:Screw 4 pieces of the same size together to form a box as shown above. The outer pieces should have the screw holes pre-drilled. Repeat the process to create the top and bottom portions of the frame.
Step 4:Screw the remaining 4 pieces of wood into the corners of the top and bottom pieces to form a cube. Use the pre-drilled holes as a guide when screwing the vertical slats into the frame.
Step 5:Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each box size. As shown above, use the two additional pieces of wood as supports on the top of the medium and larger boxes and screw them into place about 4 to 6 inches from the edge of the frame. This creates a base on which the boxes can stand on top of each other.
Step 6:Measure and mark the places where you want the lights to wrap around the frames. Depending on the number of string lights you use in your box, mark the places where you want the string lights to be attached to the wood so that the vertical spacing is even.
Step 7:Starting at a bottom corner, attach the lights to the box using the wire clips at the marks from Step 6. Continue on the outside of each box, working from the bottom up. Make sure you leave enough wire to connect the string lights to the outlet and/or box below.
Step 8:Once your boxes are wrapped with lights, make sure you can plug each string of lights into the power strip.
Step 9:Wrap the wooden frames with shower curtains or outdoor fabrics. This technique is very similar to gift wrapping. Using the staple gun, attach the shower curtain to the bottom of the frame, but leave the bottom opening open.
Step 10:After all the presents are wrapped, cut small holes in the top of the medium and large boxes and insert the plugs through them. Stack the boxes from largest to smallest, plug the cables into the socket and you're done!
Make your own outdoor Christmas decorations out of wire mesh
Use chicken wire, fairy lights and decorative fabrics to create an eye-catching indoor or outdoor Christmas decoration that is a real treat! This is a gift you won't want to unwrap! Find more cool DIY ideas with bunny wirein this article.
Calculations for the illuminated gifts
Before you purchase your materials, there are some important details to consider. The first is the size of your gifts. Above you will find a table for 30, 60 and 90 cm boxes to help you determine the amount of wire, fabric and fairy lights you need. The next important point is whether you want to place your boxes indoors or outdoors, as this will affect the type of fabric you need. It's also important to choose a semi-transparent fabric that will allow the lights to shine through while keeping the internal wiring hidden.
Note: In our step-by-step instructions below we made a box measuring 30 x 30 cm. If you want to make a larger box, just follow the same steps and use the appropriate calculations for the size of gift box you want to make!
- wire mesh
- Indoor or Outdoor Fabric
- Cable ties
- Decorative Christmas ribbon
- LED mini fairy lights
- Tape measure
- Hot glue gun
- Wire cutters
- Cable ties
- thick gloves
How to make your lighted gift box
Step 1:Cut the wire mesh to a height of 30 cm and a width of 120 cm. Then cut out a 30 x 30 cm square.
Step 2:Lay the 120cm long wire mesh flat and measure and mark every 30cm for folding. (30cm, 60cm and 90cm)
Step 3:Fold the wire along the edge of the tabletop to form a right angle at the 30, 60, and 90 cm marks.
Step 4:Fold the corners completely over at the 30cm, 60cm and 90cm marks.
Step 5:Then open the 90° angle with your hands and shape the cube.
Step 6:Bring the two ends together and tighten the cable ties at the top, middle and bottom.
Step 7:Place the top on top and tie all four corners and 4 in the middle between the corners with the cable ties.
Step 8:Cut off the excess end from the cable ties.
Step 9:Make sure the plug is at the bottom of the box. This makes attaching an extension cord to your gift much easier!
Step 10:Attach the lights to the inside of the box with the cable ties so that all 4 sides and the top are covered with bulbs. Try to distribute the lights as evenly as possible so that they shine evenly from all directions.
Step 11:Cut the fabric 124 cm long and 30 cm high. The extra four centimeters is to ensure you have enough fabric to cover everything! Then cut a 30cm x 30cm square for the top.
Step 12:Wrap the fabric around the perimeter and glue it at the seam with a hot glue gun. Trim off any excess fabric.
Step 13:Glue on the top fabric square and complete your gift with a ribbon and bow.
Congratulations! You have completed your first lighted wire mesh gift box! With these ideas, your outdoor Christmas decorations in 2021 will be an eye-catcher!