Christmas Quiz Questions – Interesting funny and biblical questions for all ages

The Christmas enthusiasm has already gripped you and you have already festively decorated your home with home-made decorations? If you have children, your wish lists are probably already written. If you are still looking for Christmas quiz questions, then you will find them here. In the following article we have put together Christmas quiz questions with solutions for children and adults that will make your Christmas party fun and exciting. You will certainly be amazed at some of the answers and learn something new about Christmas.

There are many quiz questions about Christmas. When you are in the process of planning the Christmas quiz, you can choose between Christian, biblical or even funny and funny quiz questions. Depending on the age of the puzzle fans, you can also vary the level of difficulty of the Christmas quiz questions. We have selected exciting and entertaining questions for children and adults. We have intentionally listed the solutions after each individual quiz. This gives you the option to copy the quiz questions and easily print them out.

Christmas quiz for children – easy quiz questions for the Christmas party

A Christmas quiz can pass the time until the Christmas party or be an interesting and informative activity at any winter party. If your child was born in the winter months or even if their birthday falls in the middle of the Christmas season, the winter birthday quiz is an excellent oneIdea for indoor games.Here are some Christmas trivia questions with answers that will amuse and enrich your lovely little ones.

1) How many doors does an Advent calendar have?

  • 17
  • 24
  • 30

2) What is celebrated at Christmas?

  • The angels are getting married
  • It's the reindeer's birthday
  • The birth of Jesus Christ is celebrated

3) Which animals pull Santa's sleigh?

  • Huskies
  • Horses
  • Reindeer

4) What is Santa Claus called in Russia?

  • Also Santa Claus
  • Father Frost
  • There is no Santa Claus in Russia

5) What does Santa Claus bring to the naughty children?

  • a rod
  • tough nuts
  • Cookies

6) What is a typical Christmas cookie?

  • Christmas Stollen
  • Easter eggs
  • Chocolate kiss

7) What is the name of a well-known Christmas flower?

  • Christmas violets
  • Christmas tulip
  • Poinsettia

8) Which animals were in the stable?Nativity scene of the baby Jesus?

  • Ox and donkey
  • Cow and camel
  • Dog and cat

9) In which city was Jesus born?

  • Jerusalem
  • Bethlehem
  • Israel

10) How do you recognize the reindeer “Rudolph”?

  • Silver hooves
  • golden eyes
  • red nose

11) What do the three kings bring to the manger?

  • Gold, frankincense and myrrh
  • Flour, water and yeast
  • Jewelry, gold bars and coins

12) To whom do the angels announce the good news of the birth of Jesus?

  • Kings
  • Shepherds
  • innkeepers

13) What are the names of the three kings?

  • Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar
  • Nicholas, Matthew and Joseph
  • Andrew, Augustus and Abraham

14) In which country do people wish “Feliz Navidad”?

  • Spain
  • Netherlands
  • France

15) What is the most famous Christmas song in the world?

  • “Silent Night, Holy Night”
  • “O you happy one”
  • “O Tannenbaum”

And here are the solutions to the first oneChristmas quizfor adolescents:

Question 1) – Answer 2; 2) – 3; 3) – 3; 4) – 2; 5) – 1 ; 6) – 1; 7) – 3; 8) – 1; 9) – 2; 10) – 3; 11) – 1; 12) – 2; 13) – 1; 14) – 1; 15) – 1;

Elementary school children will probably be able to solve the Christmas quiz questions without any problems. If the children are younger or are not quite sure what the correct answers to the questions are, you can of course give them valuable tips. When asked what Santa Claus is called in Russia, the helpful hint can be as follows: It is bitterly cold in Russia in winter. With his scepter, Santa Claus can freeze anything he touches. At the end of the great Christmas quiz, all children can sing a Christmas carol together and you give them Christmas cookies and other small treats.

Fun Christmas quiz for adults

In the next quiz we have put together great, funny quiz questions for Christmas, some of which will surprise you with amazing answers. This Christmas puzzle is suitable for adults and seniors and is guaranteed to be great fun. The following questions generally concern the Christmas and winter seasons. You don't necessarily have to provide possible answers. Anyone can simply express their suspicions and the tears are guaranteed to fall with laughter.

1) What does Santa Claus say when he falls headfirst into the chimney?

2) What is there in December that is not found in any other month?

3) What does someone do when they fall in the snow?

4) If we lived on Pluto, how often could we celebrate Christmas there?

5) What happened on December 6th, 1941?

Suggestions for joking answers:

1) OH OH OH; 2) The letter “D”; 3) An impression; 4) Unfortunately, too rarely, namely once in a quarter of a millennium there would be Christmas there. Because Pluto needs 247 years to orbit the sun once.; 5) St. Nicholas Day

Difficult quiz questions for adults

The next ten quiz questions are rated medium/high difficulty. Among them are also some Christian questions.

1) Santa Claus comes on a sleigh to distribute the presents. How many reindeer are pulling this sleigh and what are they called?

2) Why is the Advent wreath actually round?

3) What is “Lüttenchristmas”?

4) What do the gold-plated nuts and gold angels that often hang on Christmas trees mean?

5) What is a Dampetei, a Grittibänz, Stutenkerl, or a Weckmann?

6) Are more chocolate Easter bunnies or more chocolate Santa Clauses made in Germany?

7) Why do we celebrate Christmas on December 24th?

8) Why does it actually exist?Cookies for Christmas?

9) Who wrote the lyrics to the Christmas song “Tomorrow Santa Claus is Coming”?

10) Where do a star and wise men or astrologers appear in the Christmas story?


1) – So the 9 reindeer would be Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Rudolph, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donder and Blitzen; 2) The Advent wreath is round like the number zero, which is considered a sign of God. This number has no beginning or end and represents the beginning of creation. 3) At “Lüttenchristmas” you not only bring joy to family and friends, but also to the animals. A Christmas tree in the forest is also decorated for the animals. Instead of gifts, animals receive food. According to popular belief, animals can speak and understand human language on Christmas Night; 4) The gold-plated nuts and the gold angels symbolize the gifts that Jesus receives from the Three Wise Men; 5) These names stand for the bread man made from yeast dough that is traditionally eaten at Christmas.

A Christmas children's quiz with cards to print outcan be found here.

6) More chocolate Easter bunnies are made than Santa Clauses. This may be because there are other treats that are difficult to resist during the Christmas season. Cookies, gingerbread, marzipan, etc. are also included.; 7) The Church set this date.; 8) For the birth of Jesus, people wanted to do something special that would also last for a long time and be nutritious.; 9) This German Christmas song was written around 1840 by August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben. 10) Only in Matthew - Gospel.

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