Painting stones for Christmas – ideas for great winter and festive motifs

If you are one of those who are eagerly awaiting the Christmas season and are very happy to prepare the winter decorations yourself, then you are certainly already looking for ideas for this year's Christmas decorations. When it comes to decorating and decorating, craft projects for painting stones are very popular, which we have already reported on in our articles. In the following article we will dedicate ourselves to the topic of “painting stones for Christmas”. Be inspired by our ideas and suggestions and conjure up unique pieces of art.

You should pay attention to this when selecting materials

If you want to paint Christmas stones, it's best to choose ones that have a flat and as smooth surface as possible. Before you use the brushes and express your creative ideas, clean the stones thoroughly and use a brush if necessary. For this simple and inexpensivewinter craftsYou will need oil or acrylic paints, as well as a sponge and brush. You can also paint stones in winter with waterproof pens. So that you can enjoy the decoration you made yourself for a long time, you can seal the color with a special spray or transparent nail polish.

The most beautiful patterns and motifs for Christmas

There are many Christmas patterns and motifs that you can interpret individually and depict on the stones. What would the best winter festival be without the good-natured Santa Claus? Whether you just add the outline of Santa Claus to Christmas stones, just depict his face with the fluffy beard or just paint his red hat is entirely up to you.

Maybe you want to give a Christmas gift to someone with a sense of humor? Then paint a funny picture on the stones. When it snows heavily, Santa's clothes sometimes get wet and have to dry on the clothesline. Another great and simple idea would be to depict the cute Rudolf, the little reindeer. The colorfully painted stones are ideal party bags that immediately put you in a good mood.

Design large stones with writing

If you want to paint large stones, you can also add fun lettering to them. “Let it Snow” or “Merry Christmas” look good on the stones. Of course, you decide for yourself about the font. Whether block letters or squiggly letters, they all look great. A printable template would also be helpful. You can simply trace and paint these.


If you have children, they will also have great fun with this great Christmas activity. A nice idea would be to make a cute snowman figure. Depending on their age, simply let your loved ones paint along. Small children can give the snowman a smiling face. If painting is a passion of yours, you can also create Olaf the Snowman from “Frozen”.

Christmas nativity scene

Would you like that too this year?Make your own Christmas nativity scene, there is the possibility of depicting the individual nativity figures on stones. In addition to Joseph, Mary and the Chistkind, a Christmas nativity scene also includes sheep and donkeys, which you can easily design using suitable templates. A Christmas nativity scene made of painted stones could be a beautiful window sill decoration or decorate the festive table on Christmas Eve.

Fir trees

Another winter motif is the Christmas tree. The design options for this are almost endless. If you would like to make a decoration with abstract and modern motifs, you can create pretty Christmas trees using different combinations of dots, lines or geometric figures.

If you would rather stay true to the traditional idea of ​​the Christmas tree, you can paint a colorful Christmas tree with all the beautiful ornaments that go with it. If you want, you can paint several stones for Christmas and create a beautiful snowy landscape. The painted stones can decorate the candlestick and create a contemplative atmosphere.

Poinsettias and holly

You are welcome to decorate the Christmas stones with beautiful winter flowers. Thematically appropriate motifs include the poinsettia and mistletoe, which can be easily painted with pen or acrylic paints. With a good coloring template, even beginners can create true works of art. Since the mistletoe serves as a good luck charm during Advent, such a stone would be a lovely gift.

Owls and penguins

You can also paint the Christmas stones with cute animal figures. The owl has been a popular motif for a long time. The white snowy owl is ready in no time and looks great as a flower pot figure or on thehomemade Christmas wreath. Even adolescents will find the cute white owl with big eyes great.

If you're looking for easy craft projects, you'll be able to paint these cute penguins in no time. Simply let your children paint the stones in black and white and draw eyes and beaks on the cute animals. When it's cold outside, your cheeks turn red very quickly. This cute family of animals is undoubtedly a great winter decoration.

Funny motifs

You can also paint a stone with a funny and playful motif. Let your creativity run wild and paint an artistic painting. It's not about the execution being perfect. A funny idea immediately puts you in a good mood and quickly increases your Christmas anticipation. It's not just people who enjoy the light, airy snowflakes and the soothing winter rays of sunshine.

Paint stones for Christmas with angels

Another suitable motif would be the angels. This Christmas figurine is easily painted and is a great way to show someone your love or send warm and heartfelt wishes. The angel figure conveys the feeling of love, security and protection.


Another very simple craft project that even smaller children can get involved with are these Christmas candies. Let the little hands brush the round stones with white paint and then make red strokes on the sides. Such a sweet, wintery decoration will also sweeten your Christmas season.

Picture with Christmas village made of stones

With a little creativity and imagination you can create beautiful paintings with the painted stones. How about a quiet and beautiful passage? If you have triangular stones in your stone collection, you can make little houses out of them and use other natural materials such as tree bark, twigs and cones to create a beautiful picture and welcome the most contemplative time.