If you are still looking for Christmas decoration ideas for your home, then you have come to the right place. We present an original idea of how you can design the Christmas tree differently. And that doesn't mean Christmas decorations. This year the Christmas tree is upside down. What is special about this Christmas trend and how can you turn your own Christmas tree upside down? We reveal the answers in the article!
Hotels, shopping centers and supermarkets around the world set the extraordinary trend when they decorated their entrance halls with upside-down Christmas trees in November. More and more people are decorating tootheir own living roomswith fir trees standing upside down or hanging from the ceiling. Actually, the idea behind this special trend is not new at all, but dates back to the 18th century. Back then, Europeans often hung their Christmas trees from the ceiling to save space. Today the overturned Christmas tree is celebrating its comeback, not just in Europe but all over the world.
When would it make sense to put the Christmas tree upside down?
But before you implement the new Christmas trend in your own four walls, you should think about why the Christmas tree is actually placed upside down. Is it again due to a lack of space or is there still something to be said for an upside down Christmas tree? Another important reason for hanging decorations at Christmas is thisProtection of petsto name. These can knock over an upright Christmas tree or perceive the tree decorations as toys. If the Christmas tree is out of the reach of the pet, then both the decoration and the animal itself are protected.
Small children around the tree can also cause damage or worse – hurt themselves. In this case, it is advisable to forgo a classically decorated Christmas tree. Instead, you can opt for a hanging tree that is out of the reach of children. This is a great way to decorate your home for Christmas while ensuring the safety of the whole family.
How do you put a Christmas tree upside down?
If you would also like to decorate your home with an upside down Christmas tree, then you should consider the following points:
– Should the Christmas tree stand upside down on the floor or hang from the ceiling instead?
– How much space is available and how big should the tree be?
– Do you need a socket nearby for the fairy lights?
– Can you drill into the ceiling? (Only for rental apartments)
The options for setting up an upside down Christmas tree are different and usually depend on the conditions in the room. For example, if you have a sturdy wooden beam in the living room, you can attach the tree to it. You can use wire for this, for example. It is still recommended to hang the Christmas tree first and only then decorate it.
You can also hang the Christmas tree upside down using a ceiling hook. Then you need wire or a thick cord with which you can hang the tree on the hook. Smaller Christmas trees can also be hung on the curtain rod.
Another great idea would be to attach the Christmas tree to the wall. Corners in the room are simply perfect for this. In this case, you should match the tree decorations with the wall color, otherwise the great effect of the decoration may be lost.
If there is a chandelier hanging in the living room, then you can use it with a whole Christmas treedecorate for Christmas. In this case, the weight of the decorated tree should be as low as possible so that the chandelier can withstand it. The upper part of the chandelier can be concealed using wrapped boxes or garlands.
The last and perhaps easiest option for the upside down Christmas tree is with a stand. You can either look for an upside down Christmas tree directly or consider a DIY solution. This would certainly be a great project for the crafter.
Tip: For smaller Christmas trees, place the stand and therefore the tree on a side table. Thus existsno danger to petsor small children.
What else needs to be taken into account?
We have put together a few tips for you if you put the Christmas tree upside down this year. First of all, you should be able to estimate well how heavy the tree will be and whether the hook/stand can support its weight. It's best to choose a lightweight, artificial Christmas tree and opt for a few but effective Christmas balls. Garlands usually don't weigh much and are well suited as tree decorations.
Onetree topis also possible in this case. Whether you place the top at the top or bottom of the tree depends on its size. Above all, it is important that the top of the tree is clearly visible and really represents the icing on the cake.
If you want to beautifully showcase your upside-down Christmas tree, you could use fairy lights. The small lights transform your tree into a real eye-catcher and create a wonderful Christmas atmosphere. However, if the fairy lights are not battery-operated, the Christmas tree should be placed near a power outlet.
Regardless of whether you place the Christmas tree upside down on a stand or hang it from the ceiling, the stand or ceiling hook should not be visible. A stand on the floor can be hidden in different ways. For example, you can put a Christmas tree blanket over it or make a decoration from any material. For example, shoeboxes can be wrapped as gifts and placed under the Christmas tree. If the tree reaches up to the ceiling, you can also decorate the ceiling with wrapped shoe boxes. This makes the whole room look upside down.
The upside down Christmas tree can be decorated as you wish, just like the usual one. Christmas tree balls, garlands and fairy lights are wonderful decoration ideas. However, you should note that in this case the balls and tree decorations hang directly in the air. So that the effect of the Christmas tree is not lost, it is best to choose shorter hangers.