30 ideas for Christmas decorations made of wood and craft tips

You can easily make beautiful wooden Christmas decorations yourself and create unique Christmas tree decorations. Here you will find some creative and interesting ideas and craft tips on how to create a decorative Christmas decoration yourself using simple means and materials. Find out more by reading on!

Our first suggestion is made from wooden paper and represents a small andlight Christmas tree decorationsfor hanging. For this you need wooden paper, normal paper, a carpet knife, paint of your choice and small hooks for hanging. First, choose suitable motifs that can be folded out of the paper. In this case it is a diamond. Print or trace the diagram in the desired size. Cut out all the pieces from the wooden paper and be as precise as possible so that you end up with a real piece of jewelry. Glue the individual wooden paper elements onto the paper scheme and fold carefully. Glue the figure together in the indicated places with transparent glue (for this purpose, simple, transparent school glue for paper is suitable). Finally, attach a hook to the center of the upper area of ​​the diamond. If desired, you can cover the wood look with paint. A diamond would look particularly tasteful in gold or silver.

Simply copy our great decoration ideas and delight your family and guests with a unique decoration for the party!

*a DIY project bywww.abeautifulmess.com