Planning Christmas presents: Get through the holidays stress-free with a checklist

Every year not only Santa Claus comes, but also the pre-Christmas stress. Between finding gift ideas, planning your budget and hunting for discounts, it's easy to lose track. But that doesn't have to be the case! With good planning and our practical checklist, you can master the Christmas season like a pro this year - and even save money in the process.

Shutterstock / Arthur Bargan

Why good planning is worth it

Do you know that? On December 23rd, you rush through crowded stores, reaching for the next best option and hoping that the recipient will still be happy. With thoughtful planningavoid this stress. You have enough time to think of suitable ideas, can search specifically for discounts and save not only nerves but also money.

A clever strategy:Take advantageVouchers and discount campaignsto find high-quality gifts at attractive prices. Platforms that bundle a wide selection of current offers are particularly useful.

How to plan your Christmas presents step by step

Think about who should receive the gift

Make a list of everyone you want to make happy. Family, friends, colleagues – think of everyone who is important to you.

Shutterstock / Gladskikh Tatiana

Collect ideas

What might you like? A technical gadget, a stylish piece of clothing or perhaps an experience voucher? It's best to write down your ideas in pencil so that you can easily adjust or add to them later. If you can't think of anything, get inspired by current offers.

Set a budget

Think about how much you want to spend – per person or in total. A fixed budget helps you keep track and avoid unnecessary expenses.

Shutterstock / Bogdan Sonjachnyj

Start shopping early

The earlier you start, the more relaxed it will be. Take advantage of promotions like Black Friday or Cyber ​​Monday to get bargains - these promotions are often extended into December. This means you still have the chance to benefit from great discounts later. Be sure to pay attention to the delivery times! There can be delays, especially in the run-up to Christmas, and no one wants a gift to arrive after the holidays.

Don't forget packing

Nicely wrapped giftsmake twice as much fun. Stock up on wrapping paper, bows and cards ahead of time.

The checklist: your personal helper in the run-up to Christmas

There's a reason why checklists are so popular - especially among us women! They give us the reassuring feeling of having everything under control. Sure, there are digital planner apps, and your cell phone is also practical if you just want to write something down. But let's be honest: Nothing beats good old paper to put checkmarks or add notes on. There's something satisfying about being able to check off one item after another - visible progress that motivates.

Our checklist is designed to make planning your Christmas presents particularly easy. It contains practical columns in which you can write down everything clearly:

  • For whom?
  • Gift idea
  • Budget
  • Bought?
  • Packed?

Click here for the PDF checklist

Conclusion: Christmas can be relaxed

With good planning, the right checklist and a little support through discount campaigns, the holiday season will not only be stress-free, but also affordable. Take a little time to prepare - and enjoy the anticipation of a contemplative celebration with your loved ones. Plan wisely this year – your family and your wallet will thank you!