Every balcony looks more beautiful with plants - flowers in the warm season are of course something special, but a small herb garden can also be planted there. Which potted plants feel comfortable on your balcony depends closely on the orientation. We try to give an overview of the four variants and give some useful tips for all hobby gardeners. We also show you 15 stylish onesBalcony decoration ideas 2015.
If you have an east-facing balcony, you can enjoy the morning sun. From midday onwards, the east-facing balcony is in the shade and is protected from the strong rays of sunshine in the afternoon. Plants and flowers that grow in partial shade are therefore ideal for him. Neither sun nor wind protection is necessary. Some balcony decoration ideas for 2015 include petunias, fuchsias and daisies. And if you want to create a herb wall, you can grow herbs such as dill, coriander, basil, sage, peppermint and parsley. The laurel shrub needs a little more space, but is also a good choice for the east-facing balcony. You can find more information about planting and care in our articleHerbs on the balconyfind.
Balcony decoration ideas 2015 – lush flowers and plants on the south-facing balcony
The south-facing balcony promises pleasant hours outdoors - the sun shines all day long. Plants that like full sun are therefore perfect for the south-facing balcony. These include, for example, the exotic yucca palms, cacti, succulents, olive and lemon trees. But also beautiful local onesFlowerssuch as geraniums, petunias and Cape baskets bloom magnificently on the south-facing balcony. Since most herbs also love sunny locations, the owners of a south-facing apartment have a wide selection - rosemary, thyme, sage, lavender to name just a few.
Balcony decoration ideas 2015 - what plays a role in the design of a north-facing balcony
The north balcony poses a big challenge for most hobby gardeners - on the one hand, it is in the shade almost all day, and on the other hand, it absolutely needs protection from the wind. But if you put in a little effort, you can transform the balcony into a little green oasis. Fuchsias and hydrangeas love shady locations - as do various ornamental grasses or climbing plants such as ivy or clematis. An herb that grows well on the north-facing balcony is, for example, wild garlic.
Balcony decoration ideas 2015 – enjoy the evening sun on the west balcony
The west balcony, like the east balcony, is only in the shade for half the day. The difference – in the afternoon the west balcony gets really hot. That's why sun protection (e.g. a parasol) is an absolute must here. Only then can partial shade-loving plants grow well. WithBalcony coveringThe flowers and herbs are also protected from the sometimes very strong wind.
Balcony decoration ideas 2015 – arrange flower pots effectively
Flower boxes are a space-saving option - this may be advantageous in the summer, but storing them in the cold season poses a big challenge. Instead, the houseplants can simply be moved outside during the warm summer season. Practical shelving systems for the balcony are available at Ikea so that the potted plants don't get in the way.
Mount hanging baskets on the wall
Planted hanging baskets also save space - a practical option for small balconies. And if you don't have enough space for that, you can opt for climbing plants - and plant them completely on one wall.
Wind and sun protection for the balcony
Even plants that can easily tolerate strong sunlight have problems with the heat. That's why sun protection is extremely useful for south-facing balconies.
Herb garden on the balcony
A herb garden on the balcony is not only practical - herbs have a nice scent and attract butterflies and birds.
Ornamental grasses on the north balcony
Even if most flowers cannot grow on the cold, shady north-facing balcony, miscanthus, angel hair and co. a splash of color.
Romantic outdoor seating area with flowers on the table
Wind protection for the balcony of the attic apartment
Residents of an attic apartment can enjoy a beautiful view, but have to constantly contend with wind and heat. Balcony plants can only grow and bloom with proper sun and wind protection.
First floor apartment
The apartment on the first floor, on the other hand, is almost always in the shade - neighboring houses and trees cast shadows on it. The only exception – between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m.