Popular herbs for the balcony – which ones are best?

A salad with fresh parsley or fresh basil or a dish seasoned with fresh thyme are clearly particularly delicious. Or how about using fresh mint leaves in your mojito to make it even more aromatic? You don't even need a garden for all these spices. A few flower pots are enough. Which are they?most popular herbsfor the balconyand how they are planted can be found here.

Herbs for the balcony – How are they planted?

You can either get seeds and sow them or you can buy seedlings straight away. If you know someone who has a garden and has planted aromatic plants there, you can also ask them to give you a part with roots.


Both green and red basil are suitableSpices for the balconyand especially feel comfortable in a sunny location. In order to use the plant for a longer period of time, you should remove the tips regularly so that it does not start to bloom. There are also perennial species, but most only last one season and have to be replanted every year. Basil is particularly suitable for salads made from tomatoes and mozzarella, for sauces and pasta.


Oregano blooms beautifully and is anything but demanding. The plant loves the sun. The spice itself is very suitable for summer dishes and the popular pizza. Oregano tea has a healing effect on colds and it also tastes good. In contrast to basil, these surviveSpices for the balconyusually over the winter and grow back in the spring.


The special thing about this spice plant is that, depending on the variety, you can let it climb up a trellis. But you can just as easily let it fall down from the flower pot. Its flowers smell wonderful, especially when it is in the sun. Like oregano, it is a perennial plant and does not freeze in winter. It is particularly suitable for fish dishes and white meat.


Whether peppermint or spearmint tastes tastier is a question of taste. But since they both come from the same family, it's up to you which one you plant. Spearmint is a great spice for white bean dishes. Peppermint, in turn, is an indispensable ingredient in mojitos and homemade lemonade. You should not plant peppermint together with other spices, but rather get it its own flower pot. It grows very quickly and takes up a lot of space, so the othersSpices for the balconydifficult to survive. In its own pot, however, it can grow freely as it wishes.


This spice is used in smaller quantities, so planting just one plant is quite enough. The different colors of the flowers make the flower box particularly colorful. They are elongated in shape and very comfortable. The sage makes meat dishes in particular even more delicious.


Of all the spice plants for the balcony, thyme is the least demanding. It needs almost no water and still blooms. The flowers smell particularly great. There are different types, but the most pleasant is lemon thyme. Delicious tea can be made from it. It also tastes great in soups. Try mixing it with oregano there.

You're probably wondering if the...Parsley, coriander and dillare suitable as spices for the balcony. You can of course try planting them in a flower pot or box, but they usually have difficulty thriving. They are best suited for the garden and if you have one, we recommend that you definitely find a place for these plants.