The main trend for balcony furniture in 2022 is already clear –no plastic. What's hot this season is furniture made from sustainable materials that extend from the inside out and serve both areas. This trend responds to the need to create a flowing, versatile and relaxed environment in all areas of the home. In this article we will give you some tips on how you can furnish your balcony beautifully, ecologically and functionally according to the latest standards.
Balcony furniture 2022: Before you start furnishing, you should pay attention to the following
The comfortably furnished balcony can feel like an extension of the outdoor living area. In order for this to be successful, there are a few things to consider when setting it up. Remember that any furniture and plants you choose for your balcony will be outside all year round and exposed to a wide range of weather conditions. Make sure they can withstand frost and precipitation as well as heat and sun.
When designing your patio, think about the purpose it will serve. Becomesgrilled on the balconyand eaten or is it just for relaxation? The orientation of the balcony is not unimportant. Passionate sun worshipers relax best on a deck chair on a south-facing balcony. Romantic evenings outdoors are best enjoyed on a west-facing balcony. An east-facing balcony, on the other hand, is ideal for early risers who want to enjoy the first rays of sunshine during breakfast.
The more often you do yoursOutdoor living spacethe cheaper it will be. If you live in an area where the weather is cool in the spring and fall, consider freestanding heaters to extend the outdoor season. If you live in an area where it is very hot in the summer, consider a retractable awning or parasol to provide shade.
Match your balcony furniture to the style of your apartment
Matching your 2022 balcony furniture to the architectural style of your home is essential to creating a beautiful and harmonious living space. For example, if you like the medieval style, you should use heavy wooden or wicker furniture for your balcony. If you live in a colonial style home, you will chooseWooden or metal furniturechoose with classic lines. And if you have a modern home, you could opt for resin, metal or rope furniture with simple, modern lines.
What materials are in fashion for balcony furniture in 2022?
Whether furniture for the terrace or the garden – this year the designers are adamant: no plastic. Balcony furniture 2022 must be manufactured in a sustainable way. Those made from oil-treated or untreated teak are particularly relevant. Pillows and blankets should also be made from natural fibers. However, make sure that the fabrics are weatherproof.
Balcony furniture 2022: Create comfort on a large terrace
The pandemic has had a significant impact on trends in this regard. Since we were forced to stay indoors, we began to think of the balcony as an extension of the interior space. That's why we treat the outdoor areas with great care, being more interested in their comfort, ergonomics and functionality.
The living room is moved outside, so to speak, and the balcony becomes an oasis of peace. Outdoor furniture is becoming increasingly comfortable. The trend is towards elegant lounge sofas, hanging chairs and daybeds. Outdoor loungers made of fabric also create a special atmosphere of good mood. Because their padding is waterproof, they can stay outdoors all year round.
Decorative accessories such as carpets, umbrellas or canopies as well as LED lights, fairy lights or lanterns are now indispensable accessories for your balcony.
Which furniture set is suitable for a small balcony?
Many furniture experts recommend furniture with organic shapes for small, angular balconies. Round or semi-circular tables that are attached to the railing and can be folded out if necessary are particularly practical and create a cozy atmosphere. Folding tables and chairs are easy to store. A small, low sofa or mini seating area can also be considered.
There are many other details that can be used to transform a small balcony into a summer oasis. The right choice of lighting fixtures and plants can add a lot to the atmosphere of your balcony. You can also save space by hanging them or placing them on shelves attached to the walls.
Balcony furniture 2022: Lighten the mood with outdoor lighting, carpet and plants
To add a touch of elegance to the outdoor space, place some table lamps with colored shades on your balcony or hang some outdoor lighting in a particularly dim place to create a romantic atmosphere.
Large area rugs help delineate the living space and make the outdoor living area look like a “room.” Contemporary outdoor rugs eliminate the need to move, they are designed to allow moisture to pass through and retain their colors for years.
When you think of an outdoor space, you usually think of plants. The options for integrating plants on the balcony are extremely diverse: whether a practical hedge to protect against prying eyes, beautiful flowering shrubs orfragrant garden herbs.