Arranging the balcony plants – tips for selection and care

How you do yoursArrange balcony plantscan, read this article. For many nature lovers, beautiful, colorful flower windows and green balconies are another way to enjoy nature in the big city up close. Or at least try to. For a large number of people, this is the only opportunity for contact with the living environment; the rest is determined by concrete walls, noise and dirt. In their efforts to ensure a bit of comfort in everyday life, these people also create joy and a pleasant aesthetic environment for their fellow residents. Beautifully designed balconies with bright flowering plants against the background of gray buildings always evoke admiration and respect for their creators. But the good effect does not come from quickly planted and randomly selected plants. Everything has to be carefully thought out and planned. Because the attractiveness and beauty of any balcony depends primarily on the skillful selection of plants and their correct composition in terms of color and volume.

The balcony – a small oasis in the concrete city

Here we want to reassure all people who have small balconies. You don't have to accept this as tragic. Absolutely not! Look closely and you may find more space for your favorite plants than you think at first glance. Here, for example, let's take the balcony floor, it is worth placing the largest and heaviest plants here, they also form beautiful, lush crowns.Hanging flower containers, pots and baskets can decorate your walls, railings and even the ceiling of the upper balcony. Dividers between two balconies can be used to place containers with climbing plants there. We should not forget about the containers on the outside of the railing, of course if they are stable and reliably fixed, then they are the ideal place for hanging flowers.
Such active use of all levels will give you much more space on your small balcony than you thought, right? And above all, you have significantly expanded the possibilities for the aesthetic design of your “green paradise”.

Arrange balcony plants: make the balcony really cozy

The second step inArrange balcony plantsis the selection of ornamental plants. The plant is a living organism with specific requirements for light, temperature, humidity, etc. Always consider the needs of individual plants when incorporating them into your compositions.

Pelargonium – a plant for sunny south-facing balconies

Pelargoniums (Pelargonium peltatum), fire sage (Salvia splendens), flame flowers (Phlox drumondii), common liver balm (Ageratum), carnations (Dianthus sp.), nasturtiums (Tropaeolum), garden levkoje (Matthiola incana) and the like. You can use larger containers for plants such as agave (Agave Amerikana), yucca (Yucca gloriosa), laurel (Laurus nobilis), aloe (Aloe vera), cacti, dracaena (Dracaena sp.) and others. The climbing plants are highly recommended because they greatly refresh the look of your balcony.

Decorate the balcony with carnations

If your balcony is in the shade or on the north side, we recommend plants such as fuchsia (Fuchsia), marigold (Tagetes), begonia (Begonia tuberhybrida), forget-me-not (Myosotis), glories (Astilbe japonica), mignonette (Reseda odorata). You can choose from potted species such as jewelweed (Impatiens), laurel (Laurocerasus oficinalis), ivy (Hedera), colorful three-master flowers (Tradescantia zebrine), cobbler palms (Aspidistra elatior), royal vine (Cissus rhombifolia). Of the climbing species, Ampelopsis species (Ampelopsis brevipedunculosa) and ivy thrive there.

Arranging balcony plants: Begonia for shady places

If your balcony is windy, you need to choose plants resistant to wind. They must be compact, with small flowers and leaves. The following flowers are suitable for such conditions: begonias (Begonia tuberhybrida), verbena (Verbena venosa), ageratum (Ageratum mexicanum), lobelias (Lobelia), low chrysanthemums, marigolds (Calendula officinalis), gazania (Gazania hibrida) and others.

Arrange balcony plants - enjoy the splendor of flowers from spring to autumn

If you want to have a balcony full of flowers from spring to late autumn, then you have to plant the bulbs of tulips in autumn,Daffodilsand other spring flowers in flower containers, they will be the first to bloom in the spring and open the season. Then come the turn of biennial plants (violets, daisies, forget-me-nots and others) and perennials (primroses or bleeding hearts). Summer is the time of marigolds, petunias, begonias, biennial and perennial species (columbine, astilbe, sedum, lily, etc.).

Plant compositions with flowers

An abundance of plants on the balcony is no guarantee of their aesthetics. Indiscriminate mixing of all possible colors and shapes does not mean style. Furthermore – that means “styleless design on the balcony”. With a few simple rules we can help you avoid this. We also want to teach you how plants of different shapes and color shades can be harmoniously combined.

Attractive hanging basket

Large and small: one or a few nice monochrome plants are planted in a flower container, which are lushly “accompanied” by plants with small flowers.
Light and dark: learn as you goArrange balcony plantsto combine different shades of a color. The gradual transition from one color to another (for example, white or pink to purple) looks very elegant and natural.
Bright and pale: This combination is dynamic and is based on the contrast between colors, such as red with white, orange with blue, etc.

Arrange balcony plants: this way it will be really beautiful outside

However, we must remind youArrange balcony plantsis just the beginning. Your flowers need daily care! The plants in flower containers require more care and attention than the plants in the garden. They need to be watered regularly and thoroughly and fertilized at least 1-2 times a month. Wilted and dried leaves must be removed in good time. If left on the plant for a long time, they can be a source of plant disease and pest infestation. You also have to regularly care for the potting soil around the plants so that enough oxygen gets to the roots. Do not allow a white coating to appear on the surface at all. Only regular maintenance and care to your green garden on the balcony will preserve its appearance throughout the season. With a lot of love and a little effort, you can transform your “normal” balcony into a very cozy place where you can proudly invite guests for a cup of coffee. Your balcony can be your little oasis, a place for quiet family meals or just unforgettable moments with your favorite plants.
We wish you that! Enjoy nature on your balcony!

The right containers for balcony plants

Privacy protection with balcony plants

Flame flowers

Ordinary liver balm


Fire Sage