More and more garden owners are choosing insect-friendly plants and insect hotels in the garden. Above all, a bee-friendly garden is becoming increasingly popular because it is not only good for insects, but also provides you with a variety of colorful splashes of color and even herbs and spices. However, if you don't have a garden, that doesn't have to make you sad. As long as you have at least one balcony, you can put together great arrangements that will do something good for the bees. So if you were planning to inquire about beautiful balcony plants and flowers anyway, you now have the opportunity to do so. You can find out which balcony plants are particularly beneficial for bees and attract them in today's article. We'll also show you some inspiring plant and flower combinations for flower pots and boxes that you can easily replant once you've got the necessary flower types. You will soon be able to enjoy watching the bees at work and snacking on nectar.
Balcony plants for bees and suitable herbs
It's not just typical potted plants that are bee-friendly. Would you have thought that some herbs and even strawberries can also magically attract insects. In general, it is an advantage to put together a variety of varieties instead of the usual monocultures, in which only one type of flower is usually used for all balcony boxes. This way you can be sure that there is something for everyone. Not only will you attract bees, but also butterflies and other beneficial insects. And with onehomemade bee potionsYour bee-friendly balcony will then be complete.
Some typical flowers for balconies and pots attract bees because of their scent, but are not a source of food. You should therefore avoid such flowers or at least not choose them as solitary plants. The popular geraniums, for example, are among these plants and are not suitable balcony flowers for bees. Instead or as a combination, you can also find many other balcony plants for bees that will look wonderful on your balcony. Some such flowers can be found below:
Bee friendly plants list
- Lantana
- Margerites
- Hydrangeas
- Sunflowers
- Waldrebe
- Verbenas
- Phlox
- Nasturtium
- Bluebells
- Beautiful candle
- Verbena
- petunias
- Beeweed
- Rock butterwort
- White and red stonecrop
- Hot stonecrop
- zinnias
Do not underestimate the effect of the large sedum and other sedum species. When they reach the edge of the plant container, they quickly transform into hanging specimens and decorate the box in a particularly beautiful way. If the plants become too long for your taste, they are simply shortened. Of course, the plants from the list above are by no means all of those that can be used and benefit bees.
There are numerous seed mixtures made from wildflowers on the market that are particularly wonderful at attracting wild beesfor the balconyare suitable. But be sure to pay attention to the contents and make sure that there are really insect-friendly flowers included, because that is not always the case. In addition to a wildflower seed mixture, the corn poppy can also wonderfully provide red color accents for bees among your other balcony plants. The beautiful rue (graveolens route).
herbs and spices
Can't plant and harvest herbs because you don't have a garden? Wrong thought!Spice and herbal plantsThey can also thrive wonderfully in pots and are also the perfect balcony plants for bees. The herbs that are particularly popular with bees are: thyme, chives, lemon balm, mint, oregano, basil, coriander, sage, borage, mountain savory, hyssop, sweet leeks, catnip and lavender. You can use them to create beautiful insect-friendly flower boxes. And just don't think that these are boring green plants. That is not the case at all. In addition to pampering us with a pleasant scent, herb plants also bloom extremely beautifully.
Use herbal plants either in the form of arrangements made entirely of spices or combine them with colorful flowers. This way you create interesting color combinations and textures. Strawberries and mint in one box is also a great idea and the bees will thank you!
Arrangements of balcony plants for bees
You can use any container for this modern and pleasant plant arrangement. We think the pink and purple colors come into their own particularly well in a metal plant pot. The following plants were combined:
- Grasnelke (Maritime armory 'Vesuvius')
- Flower sage (Salvia ‘Sensation Deep Rose’)
- Grass clove 'Düsseldorfer Stolz' (Armeria maritima 'Düsseldorfer Stolz')
- Garden flower sage (Salvia nemorosa 'Caradonna')
- bellflower (Campanula)
- Garden Pentecost carnation 'Fire Witch' (Dianthus fire witch)
- Magnificent stonecrop 'Autumn Joy' (Sedum 'Autumn Joy')
- snapdragons (Antirrhine)
- Lavender (Washing her)
All of these plant species tolerate full sun and can therefore also thrive on a southern or western balcony. Make sure the soil is well-drained to avoid waterlogging. To do this, mix them with sand and small stones. This creates the perfect drainage and for each bee food plant from the list above.
Hanging basket
- Verbena (Verbena)
- silverweed (Lobelia maritima)
- Vanilleblume (Heliotropium arborescens)
- scented rock (Lobularia maritima)
- magic bells (Calibrachoa)
- Petunias
- two-tooth (Bidens aurea)
- Elfensporn (Diascia)
- Moss and branches of conifers
This mix of flowers is a paradise for various insects. Moths and butterflies, as well as small species of wasps, will feel at home here. And of course there are also perfect balcony flowers for bees. So if you are looking for balcony plants for bees and butterflies, this hanging basket is the ideal choice. You can first line the basket generously with conifer branches and moss. Then fill your planting basket two-thirds full with compost, soil and fertilizer to encourage growth after planting. Then start planting and more specifically with the middle of the basket, where the upright varieties will find their place. These include, for example, the vanilla plant and verbena. Plant all hanging specimens all around. Fill the gaps in between with compost. Now hang up the basket and only then water, otherwise it could become too heavy to carry and get you wet.
Combine geraniums with bee flowers on the balcony
If you don't want to do without the classic geraniums entirely, simply combine them with bee-friendly specimens to compensate for the geraniums' lack of a food source. This arrangement, for example, is very pretty and requires the following plants:
A: 3x Male True, also called Blue Lobelia (Lobelia erinus),
B: 1x Petunia
C: 2x geraniums 'Fantasia' in salmon color
D: 2x pansies in purple
E: 1x pink petunias
You can see the arrangement from the suggestions listed in the picture above. The layout of the flowers is of course just an idea and can be changed as desired. However, make sure that the tall flowers are in the back of the box and the hanging ones are in the front. The bee plants predominate in this composition, but the colors were chosen so that the salmon-colored geraniums can be shown to their best advantage and create a contrast. You can easily place this box in a sunny location.
Ideas for box and round container
A: Decorative sweet potato (Sweet potatoes)
B: lacquer straw flower (Helichrysum petiolare)
C: Petunias in pink
Q: Verbenen in Rosa
E: Snapmouth, also Torenia (Torenia)
Q: Sage in red
G: Petunias in white
H: Petunias in white with pink or purple centers
A: Eucalyptus
B: Vanilleblume (Heliotropum)
C: Duftgeranie (Pelargonium)
D: Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
E: scented stone rich (Lobularia maritima)
F: Plectranthus ciliatus
G: faithful to men (Lobelia erinus)
You already know the majority of these plants from previous arrangements and of course they are also suitable for numerous others, as these two plant containers prove. While the first idea is intended for a flower box, the second, as shown, is more suitable for a round flower pot or tub. But of course you can take any plant container and then plant it individually and to suit its shape.
The version in the box consists of delicate and light colors such as pink and white. Only the sage, with its red color, stands out a little more strongly in the background. The combination of standing (for the background) and hanging (for the foreground and sides) balcony flowers creates a lush arrangement that looks very attractive not only on the railing, but also on the windowsill. The arrangement with the basket is actually a pot that was simply placed in a basket at the end. The balcony plants you choose for bees emit pleasant scents and pamper you too.
Colorful variants
A: Sage in pink, purple or hot pink
B: Zinnias in pink and orange
C: Kapmergerite, also Cape basket (Osteospermum)
D: scented rock (Lobularia maritima)
E: Hussar button (Sanvitalia)
F: faithful to men (Lobelia erinus) in purple or violet
This colorful arrangement of balcony plants for bees consists of the plant species listed above and creates a particularly beautiful blaze of color on your balcony. It looks much more summery and will soon attract the first bees and butterflies. Don’t forget drainage here too. A layer of pebbles about 2.5 cm thick should be sufficient for this. A sunny to partially shaded location is also suitable for this arrangement.
Three-tier arrangement for the corner of the balcony
A: Rotlaubige Perlhirse ‘Purple Majesty’ (Pennisetum gray)
B: Prachtkier (Gaura lindheimeri)
C: Milkweed (Asclepias tuberosa)
D: Purpurglöckchen ‘Quicksilver’ (Heucherella)
E: Colored ornamental sweet potato (Ipomoea potatoes)
Q: Large snapdragon (Antirrhinus major)
G: Green-yellow ornamental sweet potato (Ipomoea potatoes)
H: Lantana (Lantana)
If you arrange the plants as shown in the picture, they can be particularly effective and harmonize with each other. For this purpose, it is best to use a round or rectangular flower pot that you can place in an elevated position in a corner of the balcony. Plant the pearl millet at the very back (or in the middle if you have a larger pot). In the row in front of (or around) distribute the milkweed, which is particularly popular with butterflies, the magnificent candle and the purple bell. The lowest specimens go into the front row and these are all the remaining balcony plants for bees from the list. The result is an interesting arrangement with nice texture and subtle colors that not only the bees will be grateful for.
Herbs, vegetables and flowers combine for an edible arrangement
A: Minirose (Rosa)
B: Dill (Anethum graveolens)
C: Grape tomatoes
D: Mint (Mentha)
E: Zinnias (Zinnia)
Q: Parsley (Crispy parsley)
G: Nelken (Dianthus)
H: Nasturtium (Trophy)
I: ornamental sweet potato (Sweet potatoes)
J: Sage 'Tricolor' (Salvia)
K: Pansies (Viola)
A really diverse mix of balcony plants for bees can be found in this flower box. It's not just the beautiful flowers that delight, but also the fragrant herbs. And by the way, you can even harvest small tomatoes from a certain point onwards. In general, all specimens are edible. The flowers' petals can be used to decorate dishes. And while you're doing it all, you're also kindly feeding the bees. Use any planting container for this plant combo. We particularly like the idea of the wooden box, but any other container is also suitable. Sunny south-facing balconies are best suited, but the western one can be chosen for these plants.