How to plant the flower box for autumn and until when the flowers can stay outside

Blooming beauties, delicious herbs and other pretty greenery – things can really go wild in the box if you choose the right specimens. Which ones can you plant in the flower box for autumn and until when can they actually stay outside?

When does autumn planting on the balcony start?

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In principle: the earlier, the better. You can also choose when the first fall flowers are available. This doesn't just happen when autumn has arrived, but usually some time earlier. September is the optimal time because the hot spells of summer are certainly over, but it is still warm enough for the new flowers to settle in before the cold nights arrive.

Decorate the flower box with herbs for autumn

Foto: Kattecat/ Shutterstock

In general, pretty much all herbs are suitable for growing in pots. But although planting out is official for all varietiespossible until OctoberThere are some species that you may want to save for spring (at least if you want to overwinter them outside).

Perennial herbs take a long time to grow firmly. Therefore, there may not be enough time until winter for them to become more resistant. Perennial plants include:

  • Mountain savory
  • Lavender
  • mint
  • Oregano
  • Rosemary
  • sage
  • chives
  • Thyme (slow-growing varieties)
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These, like lavender, can usuallywintered outsidebut need some winter protection for the roots in the box or pot. Alternatively, you can overwinter them indoors, which would probably also be the safe option. In spring they need to be repotted and fertilized to give them new strength.

Annual herb plants, such as parsley and basil, always die in autumn. Nevertheless, you can still use them to decorate your flower box for the fall and harvest herbs at the same time.The first frostwill cause the first herb plants to wilt. Some may survive a few more frosty nights if, for example, they are a little more sheltered.

Autumnal feeling with flowers

Foto: Kattecat/ Shutterstock

There aretypical autumn flowers, which usually begin the flowering phase in late summer and those that simply have a long flowering period that has lasted since spring and can last until late autumn. Both variants are suitable if you want to plant the flower box for autumn.

Real permanent bloomers, which you can plant at the beginning of the season, but also in autumn, are:

  • Ivy-leaved cyclamen
  • Begonias
  • Bergen
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They die when the frost begins if they do not go to winter quarters beforehand. Those who alsoSurvive winter outside, are:

  • Hydrangeas
  • Cloves (hardy in pots)
  • Purple bells (with the exception of some more delicate varieties)
  • Rosen

Typical autumn flowers are:

  • Bartblume
  • Chrysanthemums (those planted in autumn tolerate cold less)
  • Dahlias
  • Heather (some species are hardy, e.g. bell heather, winter heather and bud heather)
  • Autumn asters (can tolerate winter cold and stay outside)
  • Autumn cyclamen
  • Autumn monkshood
Photo: Caterina Trimarchi/ Shutterstock

A special tip:Christmas roses are better known as typical winter flowers for container planting because that's when they bloom. However, they are planted in autumn and can therefore be an eye-catcher in your autumn box with their leaves. Perfect if you want to brighten up a colorful arrangement with something green and enjoy the splendor of flowers in winter.

Photo: Lapa Smile/ Shutterstock

Green or mostly green plants for the fall box

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Even among the plants that are more impressive with their leaf decoration, there are some balcony varieties that can often stay outside well beyond October or even all winter long.

  • Boxwood
  • Fetthenne
  • Cherry laurel
  • Conifers
  • Lampionblume
  • Flat ear grass

These can overwinter outside and decorate your boxes even in winter. Conditionally frost hardy are:

  • Mockberry (autumn-flowering varieties need winter protection)
  • Ornamental cabbage (benefits from low temperatures as long as they are not too low)

Decorate the balcony for autumn

Foto: Kattecat/ Shutterstock

To make it autumnal in addition to the flowers, you canHelp with a few decorations:

  • Fairy lights make the balcony cozy even when it gets dark earlier.
  • You can decorate the table or floor with decorative pumpkins or large pumpkins.
  • Lanterns are often placed in free corners or on the balcony table, but also on window sills.
  • Cozy blankets not only serve to keep you warm in the cool evening, but they also make the balcony look warmer and cozier just by looking at them.
  • Add additional flower boxes for fall tooplanted containerson.
Foto: Kattecat/ Shutterstock

Combine begonias and carnations

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Begonias are not hardy and carnations are partially hardy

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Cover photo: Kattecat/Shutterstock