Prime, horn violets, geraniums and steps- gradually the first spring and summer flowers move in with us or are waiting to be taken out of the winter quarters and should decorate the balcony, terrace and garden. But isn't it too early? Which flowers can take frost and which classics should be better waiting for?
While some types of flowers can even spend outside all winter, others have to remain in the warm. We list to you which of the common flowers are frost -friendly and in which frost protection or neighborhood is necessary.
Which flowers canlerate frost and which need protection?
There are classics that get pretty much in spring from the winter garden or greenhouse or buys new. But if the winter is not quite gone yet and spring is somehow still long in coming, you ask yourself: What can go outside?
Can pansies frost off?
Certainly they found pumpkin mothers in parks or other facilities in winter - apparently green and alive. It is true that they are quite frost -friendly, but the large -flowered varieties can cause too much and permanent cold damage or even death.
So if you bought pansies or have in the winter quarters, you should better wait a bit before you get you outside. If the long periods of frost are over, you can then dare. However, keep an eye on the weather forecasts. If frost is expected, you shouldProtect flowers from frostBy covering them.
You can find out more about the care of stepmothers in FrostIn this article.
Primos outdoors or not yet?
The spring flowers can also be seen outside in cold periods. So can prime frost off? That depends on the variety. There are garden primels that even survive the winter outdoors. Protection is good for them when frost occurs during flowering.
However, these beautiful early bloomers are sensitive to frost periods when they are in the pot or box. For this reason, you should better enjoy the color splendor until the weather enables planting. Although we do not want to mislead them with the “warm”, because primles prefer it a little cooler inside. However, avoid cold water.
More about the care of the primrosesFind here.
One or the other frost day, as they are also called, usually survive (to be on the safe side, cover them with newspaper, for example), but longer periods would be fatal for the flower.
What flowers can frost tolerate: what about horn violets?
Tolerate horn violets frost? Here we ended up with a flower that can actually cope well with frosty days. And that also differs from the otherwise similar steps. In addition, you defy temperatures of up to minus 15 degrees and are therefore hardy and perfect for the garden.
During the winter months, it is still worth covering the plants. Because the often underestimated winter sun can quickly dry out the floors and the flowers with them. Mulch can also prevent this. But they shouldn't water because that would lead to freezing the floor. Only protected, covered locations are also irrigated in winter.
Exceptions regarding the frost hardnesspotted horn violets. Their root balls are significantly more exposed to the cold and should be in a winter quarters with continuous frost. It can survive short late frost if the roots are surrounded by sufficient substrate.
Geraniums are limited to Frosthart
Whether Geraniums survive frost arrives at their location and the duration. These beautiful flowers are often considered very sensitive to frosts, but that is not entirely correct. Above all, the first frost phases in autumn, if you have filled up plenty of strength during summer, you can hold out if you are protected and the temperatures do not fall below minus 5 degrees.
After wintering, you shouldn't have it as in a hurry thatGeraniums outsidebring to. It is best to wait until around mid -May. If the geraniums will be in the sun after the winter quarters, you should get used to the new lighting conditions beforehand, otherwise you will burn. Bought new flowers should no longer be so sensitive in this regard.
What flowers can frost off: a list
In principle, you don't need to worry about these types of flowers:
- Crocus
- Kitchen clamp
- Lenzrose
- Narzisse
- Rosenprimel "Belarina"
- Schachbrettblume
- Foam blossom
- Traubenhyazinthe
- Early spring alpine violet
- Winterling
Please note:Especially as bed plants, you should not forget that the flowers, which are considered to be a frost hardy, usually come fresh from the greenhouse, which makes it more sensitive than those that have already overwintered outdoors. It mainly depends on whether frost protection or neighborhood is necessary. We recommend onion flowers and perennials from the list above alwaysAlready in autumn into the flower bedto plant. Then you don't need to have any concerns because of late frost in spring.