Cutting berry bushes: Useful gardening tips for 9 types of berries

Most berry trees needa cutbackso that they stay healthy and produce good yields. In the article we have summarized several short instructions on the topic. Learn how to prune the different berry bushes and what you should take into account when doing so.

1. This is why you need to prune your berry bushes

Most berry bushes need pruning at least once a year. It promotes growth and fruit formation. The youngest shoots usually bear the sweetest and largest fruit. Therefore, mainly the old, the diseased and the dead branches are removed and the rest is just shortened.

For most types of berries, pruning takes place at the end of summerafter the harvest time. However, there are exceptions where pruning is possible or necessary even in the cold season (February - March).

2. This is how you can cut the different berry bushes

With the right cutting technique, even an inexperienced hobby gardener can cut back. Most types of berries can be cut without much effort if you follow a few basic rules.

2.1 Cut raspberries

With raspberriesA distinction is made between summer and autumn bearing trees. The first ripen in July, the second – in August. There are also varieties that produce fruit all summer long. The last ones are only cut in spring.

The summer raspberriesproduce fruits only on shoots from last year. Pruning takes place in July – August. Only the old woody shoots that have already borne fruit are removed. They can be easily identified by their brownish color.

In contrast, canthe autumn varietiesalso fruit on the new shoots. They are therefore cut back close to the ground after the harvest in late summer.

The two raspberry varieties need a second pruning in spring when the fresh canes are thinned out.

2.2. Cut gooseberries

A young gooseberry bush initially only needs one pruning in spring. Only the 5 strongest rods are left and all others are cut off at ground level.

From the fourth year onwards, the plant can be pruned. The right time for this is late summer. Follow the rule of thumb: cut off old wood, keep new wood. The one- and two-year-old side shoots bear the largest and sweetest fruits - so these should definitely not be removed. A healthy gooseberry bush also has between 5 and 7 main shoots. Renew the main shoots every 4 years by cutting off the old ones and allowing new main shoots to grow in their place. The other canes should be cut back to ground level.

2.3. Cut blackcurrants

In the first year, all plant shoots except the four strongest canes are cut off close to the ground. They are shortened to 25 cm.

Next year, after you have harvested the blackcurrants in late summer, you can give them a maintenance cut. Only diseased and old branches are removed. Pruning takes place in spring. Cut off any shoots four years old or older at ground level. You can thin out the young shoots if necessary.

2.4 Cut josta berries

In contrast to the other types of berries, josta berries do not need annual pruning and can only cope with maintenance pruning. The shoots are thinned out a little in July, after the end of the harvest season.

2.5. Cut blackberries

Since the blackberries bear fruit until September, there is no time for pruning in the fall. To avoid frost damage, it is best to cut the blackberries at the end of February - beginning of March. It is enough if you thin out the shoots of the weakly growing varieties a little. Strong-growing varieties require training pruning in which all fruit-producing side shoots from the previous year are severely cut back.

2.6. Cut goji berries

The goji berriesare usually cut back in autumn. If you missed the right time for training pruning, you can also prune the shrub in spring. Proceed as follows:

In the first year, shorten all shoots of the young plant to 25 cm. In the second year, only leave the five strongest shoots standing. However, shorten it to 50 cm high. From the third year onwards, an educational cut is an option. Remove all diseased, old and overly long branches. After the fourth year, cut off the five main shoots and allow two new shoots to grow in their place.

2.7. Cut aronia

An aronia bush does not need regular pruning. Check the plant regularly for diseases and pests and only cut out the crossing shoots.

2.8. Cut cranberries

The large-fruited cranberry, also known as cranberry, is a fast-growing plant. Therefore, she needs a training session every two to three years. Remove the old, diseased and overlapping shoots. In addition, you can thin out the plant if necessary.

2.9. Cut black elderberry

The black elderberry needs regular pruning. Simply cut off all but eleven new canes.

Almost all berry bushes require caring pruning. When this happens and which shoots need to be removed is species-specific.