Regardless of whether the cemetery is far away or nearby, you usually don't have the time to visit it regularly in everyday life. Plants that are particularly easy to care for are therefore in demand. If you choose drought-resistant plants, you will also get the right ones for the summer. Which flowers are recommended for cemetery that require little water?
Even if you don't have enough time, you don't have to do without bright colors on the grave. There are actually some hardy beauties that are suitable for grave planting in dry locations.
Ground cover roses bloom even in dry conditions
As if it wasn't enough that roses impress with their beautiful flowers, they are also very tolerant when it comes to a lack of water. Not only do they survive dry periods without any problems, but they also continue to bloom diligently and profusely - even in the sun. What more could you want?
However, they should not be forgotten straight away. If it doesn't rain for a long time, you should take a detour and...Ground cover roses (Rosa)provide a little. The plant can stand as a solitary plant or in groups and in different colors.