Build and plant your own flower box from a tree trunk

If you're ever looking for inspiration or resources for your next craft project, just go out into the woods or your own garden and the ideas will come. Nature offers us the best opportunities to create beautiful and original things and it comes in many different forms. Something as simple as a tree trunk can be used in so many interesting ways. A planter is just one of the options that this presents, and even then there are many unique designs to consider. We will show you how to build a flower box yourself from a tree trunk and also give tips and ideas for planting.

What is the advantage of using a tree trunk as a planter?

Logs are a wonderful option for natural planters. They absorb water and can nourish the flowers. They are also a natural part of the ecosystem. So when you're done, you're not contributing to landfill like other flower boxes and pots do. You can even use your planter for future compost!

How to Build a Rustic Wooden Flower Box

It is very easy to build a flower box yourself from a tree trunk. You don't need a lot of tools or technical know-how - just a little hard work and dedication to get the job done.

There are different ways to make one out of the tree trunkBuild planters. The easiest way is to build a horizontal planter that sits flat on the ground.

Alternatively, you can build a tall, upright planter from a thick tree trunk or combine several trunks into a cohesive planter. You can also divide the horizontal trunk into sections and plant each area with a different type of flower. Think about which option suits your garden best and get started.


  1. First, find a suitable tribe. White pine is a good choice because it is a softwood and is easy to work with. You can also use a hardwood species. It lasts longer but is more difficult to cut.
  2. Cut the lines with a chainsaw to cut grooves in the wood that extend across the entire surface of the log. They should be relatively even, but don't stress if they aren't all the same length, width, or depth.
  3. If you don't want to use a chainsaw, you can also use a drill press to cut into the trunk. You will need to make several overlapping cuts with the hole saw until you reach the desired length of the opening.
  4. Pry the pieces out between cuts with a screwdriver. Remove as many pieces as possible using a hammer and the screwdriver to notch the wood. For larger tree trunks you can use a hatchet. The result is a semi-hollow wooden planter.
  5. Fill your planter with potting soil and other ingredients such as sand, peat and fertilizer. Sometimes it is easier to moisten the mixture before adding it to the log. This makes it easier to pour the mixture into the tree trunk.
  6. Then you can plant the tree trunk. Consider filling the bottom of the planter with activated charcoal. This helps with filtering and prevents rot, both for the roots of the plants and the wood.
  7. You can either grow plants from seeds or plant your favorite plants in your new planter. You can grow anything in a homemade log planter, including flowers, vegetables, herbs, and even succulents.
  8. Water heavily after planting to keep the container from drying out. That's it!

Over time, wooden planters will rot. Before that happens, however, you should be able to use your flower box for several years. Building your own rustic log planter allows you to create a unique, inexpensive container for your favorite plants. Try one of the designs below – or design your own! – for a breathtaking presentation.

Planting a tree trunk flower box: original ideas to try out

Large planted tree trunk in the flowerbed

Do you want to make a really large tree trunk flower trough that you can place in your garden? You can work in sections and saw the trunk piece by piece. You will need a curved blade saw, a hammer drill, a chisel set, a flat drill set, and a regular hammer, as well as plenty of time to complete this project. When it's finished it looks really cool and you can fill it with lots of colorful flowers or plants to make the garden look amazing.

Rustic decoration for the garden with summer flowers in the horizontal tree trunk

Anyone who is skilled with a hatchet can easily make this planter. Cut a log of firewood to create a channel for the potting soil and plants. Leave some space at the ends. Fill the trunk with potting soil. Add a mix of attractive annuals and place outdoors. Add rocks to keep it from tipping over.

Build your own raised flower bed out of tree trunks

This rustic wooden planter is simple but beautiful. It can be as big or as small as you like. This one stands on additional stems, making it easier to maintain (yet not slip when in use). What a great idea!

Round planter made from logs and plywood

You can also build such a flower box for the garden yourself using leftover firewood. The base is a piece of plywood cut into a round shape. The logs are placed upright around the edge of the plywood disc and nailed together. With this idea, you can create a wonderfully rustic country feel even in a very small urban garden.

Planted tree trunk wagon as a decoration in the garden

For an original garden decoration, you can add a few tree slices to the sides and your tree trunk planter will look like a beautiful rustic wagon.

Do you have any leftover pallets?Read hereHow you can make a flower box for your balcony or garden yourself.