What is more beautiful in the garden than blooming plants? Those that smell good too! How great that there is such a large selection of fragrant flowers to choose from, both for the beds as well as the pots and boxes. Already in June there are a number of specimens that will spoil you and we have decided to list a few worthwhile variants for you. Fragrant garden plants will beautify your outdoor space in no time!
Fragrant garden plants that will complete your scented garden
Beds that are located near the terrace or a seating area in particular benefit from scented flowers, because with them you actually feel like you are in the middle of nature and in a flower meadow while relaxing. They sometimes also come with some great additional benefits:In the form of herbal plantsYou can also get delicious spices for your food or tea and some fragrant plants even repel annoying insects such as mosquitoes and flies. But what they all have in common (apart from their beautiful appearance) is that they are real treats and great sources of food for beneficial insects such as pollinators. So what are we waiting for?
Sow gold lacquer in the garden
In addition to their shiny, bright orange surface, the flowers also impress with a pleasantly sweet scent that is particularly noticeable when there is plenty of sun. The flower likes it sunny, but also protected from the wind and rich in nutrients. It also tolerates lime in the soil very well. This fragrant flower blooms from April and, depending on the variety, either until June/July or even September. You can use the two-year gold lacquer (Erysimum cheiri) sow in June and prick out in August. In this case, the first flowering awaits you next year.
Fragrant perennials that bloom in June – perennial peonies
Incredibly beautiful and with a wonderful scent - that's the peony (Paeonia officinalis)! In addition, the plant is quite easy to care for, provided you have itplanted correctly. It likes it sunny or at least partially shaded and only needs to be fertilized once in spring, preferably with compost. The color options are diverse, so you can combine several.
Choose ornamental sage as a herbal plant
There are a lot of strong-smelling herbs and they are also ideal for the garden bed. This also applies to sage, but specifically the ornamental sage (Sage wood) not edible. Nevertheless, it is perfect as a fragrant ornamental plant. You can choose between white and blue flowers, which bloom from May and into June, but the plant requires a location in full sun or at least partial shade. Avoid waterlogging.
Fragrant garden plants with purple flowers – lavender
Actually, it's no wonder that lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is part of our list because somehow it is recommended everywhere. Not only because it is easy to care for, but because its flowers are beautiful and also smell pleasant. Depending on the variety, the plant also thrives in a container, so you can also combine the bedding plants with a few container plants. All you should provide for the beauty is a location in full sun and a well-drained soil, because lavender absolutely cannot tolerate waterlogging. However, you should still water the strongly fragrant summer flower regularly.
You can learn how to cut lavender correctlyread here.
Strongly scented shrubs – scented jasmine
You can also get fragrant garden plants in the form of bushes and the fragrant jasmine is definitely one of the most impressive of this type. These strongly fragrant plants bloom in white between May and August, i.e. basically all summer long, but don't underestimate the simple white should. The flowering shrub is a truly beautiful plant that no garden should be without. The location should be bright, but not too sunny, so that it does not suffer burns. With the real jasmine (Jasminum officinale), the pipe bush (Philadelphus), as it is also called, has nothing in common. If you want scented plants that are hardy, real jasmine is not suitable.
Night-scented plants – the miracle flower
How about not only enjoying the natural scents of flowers during the day, but also in the evenings? There are actually flowers that are fragrant at night and can fulfill this requirement. The miracle flower (Mirabilis), for example, is just such a night-blooming plant. It may not be particularly impressive during the day, but it catches up at night. This strong-smelling plant likes it sunny, warm and protected from the wind and is unfortunately not hardy. However, you can dig them up in the fall and overwinter them in a winter home.
Other herbs and scented plants for the garden
- Frangipani (Plumeria), also wax flower - blooms from June to September; sunny; also as a container plant; not hardy
- Freesie (Freesia) – sunny and was; rainproof; Fragrant flowers that bloom sometimes as early as June, but mostly from July
- sweet pea (Scented brick) – June to August; sunny; permeable
- Rose (Rosa), but only the scented varieties - flowering time depends on the variety; sunny location
- Thymian (Thymus) – May to September; sunny; hardy