Make the garden colorful in autumn with flowers and plants

Anyone who has enjoyed a colorfully blooming garden all spring and summer will of course want to continue this in the autumn season. Whether you choose really flowering specimens or ones with colored leaves doesn't really matter. But what do you plant in the garden in autumn? We would like to introduce you to some interesting ideas for combining plants that impress with their breathtaking colors and that you can try out this year. These are both annual and perennial plants, so you can either create new compositions every year or you can enjoy the same composition for many years.

Burgundy is the perfect fall color. So if you plant different specimens, representatives with these reddish leaves should definitely not be missing. You have a large selection of coleus (Solenostemon), among which the variants are almost endless. The “Lancelot” variety is particularly pretty, but you can also combine them. The plants look particularly good next to a natural garden path.

You can combine “Lancelot” very well with sage (Salvia). On the one hand, this creates a contrast with its green leaves and blends in with the flowerswarm color nuancesbut on the other hand it also appeals to Burgundy. These annual arrangements can be repeated every year or simply implemented in a different bed the next year.

The “Black Prince” coleus is another pretty variety that you can use to expand your green plants. Combine this with the black-leaved dahlia “Mystic Illusion,” which also has bright yellow flowers. The blue color can be represented by mealy sage. This plant for theGarden in autumnis composed of bluish flowers and green leaves.

The taro's leaf shape is reminiscent of elephant ears. A blooming garden area is also achieved when you use the orange nettle (agastache cana) with the Taro (colocasia esculenta) and especially the “Black Magic” variant with its dark, purple leaves and a red coleus. You get a unique color combination for the arrangement in your garden area, which also impresses with a pretty texture.

The African Pennisetum (Pennisetum setaceum) “Rubrum” you can complete the overall picture in a variety of ways with other plants. Choose between Indigo Sage (Indigo Spiers), theStrobilanthes dyeranuswith its purple striped leaves and the taro or, best of all, all three specimens. For the background in the bed you can also use the Pennisetum grass (Pennisetum) Select “Vertigo”.

If you don't want to do without ornamental shrubs, we recommend the Thunberg barberry (Berberis thunbergii), which you can shape into interesting balls. With green hedges or other shrubs in the background, the barberry stands out very well with its red leaves. The ball cut also prevents the bush from spreading undisturbed as the formation of fruits is stopped.

In the same bed where the barberry is located, the Japanese holly (Ilex crenata), the spindle bush (Eunonymous) and the Julianes barberry (Berber Juliana) can be added. These shrubs impress with their texture and color, are evergreen and grow very low, so you can easily fill smaller empty spaces with them.

The best way to decorate the garden area is with plants and flowers. If you would like to do this and plant new specimens, we also have some tips for you in the red-yellow-silver color combination. zinnias (Zinnia) are impressive flowers, the variety Bernarys Riesen with red flower color even more so. Combine this strong color with the grayish oneCentaurea gymnocarpa, as well as the lime green versions of the zinnias “Envy”.

The Pennisetum “Vertigo” is again suitable for the background. You can do this with the yellow-flowering slit-leaved coneflower (Rudbeckia laciniata) and a silver-leaved sunflower (e.gHelianthus argophyllus) combine. These are tall plants, so you can use them to perfectly decorate the back areas of the bed without the flowers and plants getting lost in all the color mix.

Design the bed from front to back in the following way: First add the impressive lantana (Lantana) with its flame-colored flowers, then the magnificent bear's ear (Arctotis) in a red-orange color, the Mexican giant hyssop (Mexican Agastache) in pale orange and the Indian milkweed (Asclepias Curassavica), which is very similar to lantana in its colors.

For the third row, choose the rampant sweet potato (Ipomea batata) and more precisely the variant “Sweet Caroline Bronze”. Finally there are some coleus, only this time in a green color, with speckled leaves, to provide some variety in the bed full of warm nuances. This turns the garden area into a real gem.

Finding a true pink can be difficult. The flowers usually have a nuance that makes them appear bluish or reddish. Create a garden bed from the honey bush (Melianthus major) for the foreground and the perilla with its dark leaves. You can add a pink accent with the spider flower (Cleome), which you can use with the sage “Waverly”, the globe amaranth (Gomphrena), the sweet potato “Dwarf Marguerite” and the wild artichoke (Cynara cardunculus) can combine.

If you prefer pastel colors, we recommend the attractive verbena (Verbena) “Lavender Cascade” with its pale pink flowers. They look wonderful in combination with the flat ear grass (Chasmanthium latifolium) and the sky blue Browallia (Browallia americana). The result is a romantic blaze of color that makes the gray sky seem much friendlier.

With this variant for the bed you can use the indigo sage again. The star thaler (Melampodium) sets a strong yellow contrast to its blue flowers, while the coleus “Lancelot” and the sweet potato “Dwarf Marguerite” increase the volume and thus ensure a perfect texture. In this way, the not so lush growth of the first two specimens is compensated for.

Create a hedge of Japanese holly (Ilex crenata), which you trim regularly to keep them small. To match this, plant the dahlia “Mystic Illusion”, whose blooms will begin to delight you around Halloween. Also create a mix of the purple parrot leaves (Alternanthera dentata), the green, lime-colored coleus and the green harp bush (Plectranthus forsteri). The Guarani sage “Royal Purple” is suitable for the background.

If you also want to attract insects, you need flowers with plenty of nectar. The quiver flower is very suitable (Cuphea platycentra) with its red-orange flowers. Combine with sage, agastaches and lion's ears (Leonotis) and create a nice mix of colors.