They are a lot more gentle on the skin than facial toner or toner:HydrolatePampering with natural ingredients and light- and ensure a bright skin. No wonder that more and more products in this category appear in the beauty online shops. Although their discovery is not new, they are developing into one of the greatestSkin care trendsof the year!
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Hydrolates are becoming one of the largest beauty trends of the year, which is even suitable for sensitive skin types
Natural skin care trend: hydrolate is suitable for sensitive skin even
But what areHydrolateat all? If you haven't heard your trend name yet, you may have ever met as plant or flower water. Although they themselves are incredibly precious, they are actually a by -product that in the manufacture ofis. During the distillation, water vapor is guided through the plants to extract the fleeting oils. The steam condenses and forms two phases: the essential oil and the hydrolate. The latter contains the water -soluble components of the plant, which are often underestimated, but offer a wealth of advantages.
Hydrolates are rich in aroma substances,And minerals that are extracted from the plants. Because of their gentle composition, theSkin care trendespecially mild and well tolerated, which is particularly usefulsensitive skinhappy. They are free of alcohol and other active ingredients that can often be irritating.
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Hydrolates are actually a by -product that arises in the production of essential oils, but now proves to be a new trend in skin care
Hydrolate: This is how the natural skin care trend works
Depending on the plant used, hydrolates can have different effects. Rose hydrolate, for example, is known for its moisturizing and soothing properties, during theSkin care trendMade from lavender blossoms has a balancing effect and can alleviate redness. Chamomile hydrolate, on the other hand, calm irritated skin, peppermint is cooling.
And their application is also extremely simple and resembles that of a toner. Simply applied gently to the face after cleaning with a cotton pad or the palms. If you have a hydrolate in a spray bottle, you can do it directly on theSpray. Be sure to close the eyes, because even ifHydrolateare particularly gentle, the vegetable active ingredients do not necessarily get along with our mucous membranes.
Their effect on the skin is not everything that makes hydrolate, because their fragrance is just as positive: in aromatherapy they are often used to support emotional well -being. Your subtle fragrance nuances can help to reduce stress and to raise the mood. Some hydrolates, such as orange blossoms, are even used in the kitchen to flavor food and drinks.
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Depending on the plant used, a hydrolate brings different effects in skin care