Small, fresh and super delicious – strawberries are one of the most popular types of fruit in Germany and can be found in more and more gardens. After all, there's hardly anything nicer than snacking on home-grown strawberries, right? But all gardeners know the problem - if there is an ant infestation in the garden, it can quickly ruin our joy and harvest. Have you discovered ants on strawberries and don't know what to do now? Then you should definitely read on, because we have done our research for you and put together the best tips and home remedies on how to combat an ant infestation in the garden.
Are ants on strawberries harmful?
Like many other insects, ants are useful in the garden and serve an important purpose in the ecosystem. While few ants on strawberries are not harmful in themselves, they can indicate other problems. In addition, an ant infestation can have a negative impact on our harvest and we don't want that, right?
If the ant burrow is located directly under the strawberries, this will lead to a loss of nutrients and water in the long term and the plants will no longer be able to find support in the soil. Ants on strawberries also prevent the roots from accessing the soil's nutrients.
Fighting ants on strawberries: These home remedies really help
If you have discovered an ant infestation in the garden, this could be a signal that there are also aphids near the plants. So to save your harvest, we have put together the best home remedies and ways to get rid of ants on strawberries without any chemicals.
Disrupt the ant trail
One of the most popular and effective ways to get rid of ants on strawberries is to reroute or interrupt the ant trail. For example, powder made of lime, chalk or lime serves as a kind of barrier that the ants don't dare approach. To do this, sprinkle plenty of powder around the plants and your strawberries will be protected. However, remember to repeat the process when it rains.
Plant manure against ants in the garden
Cheap and very effective – plant manure is another good home remedy for fighting ants on strawberries. Ants especially can't stand nettle manure. Alternatively, you could also use a plant manure made from lavender. You should dilute each liter of manure with around 10 liters of water and never water when the sun is shining, otherwise the plants can burn.
Get rid of ants on strawberries with cinnamon
Cinnamon is a home remedy that everyone probably has in their kitchen cupboard and can help quickly against ants in the garden. What we find very pleasant, the little insects don't like. In fact, ants hate the smell of cinnamon so much that they even flee their own nest. To do this, sprinkle plenty of ground cinnamon around the strawberries and at the entrance to the tunnel. Here too, you should sprinkle the cinnamon again if it rains.
Garlic water
The smell of garlic and the sulfur compounds are very irritating to ants and this one is exactly thatIngredient can combat ant infestationhelp in the garden. To make your own garlic water, place several cloves of garlic in a large pot of water and let them steep for 24 hours. Then simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes and pour the garlic water into a spray bottle. To get rid of ants, spray the strawberries with the mixture 1 to 3 times a week.
Orange peels against ants
Whether it's about ants on strawberries orSnails from the gardento drive away - the essential oils of the oranges have a deterrent effect against all pests and insects. To do this, cut the orange peel into very small pieces and spread them near the ant nest. To enhance the effect, you can also place some orange peel around the strawberry plant. Lemon peel also has the same effect as oranges.
Ant-repellent plants
Another great way to control ants on strawberries is to plant companion plants in the bed that will repel the small insects. Here are a few good neighbors for strawberries that can help against ant infestation:
- Thymian
- Lemongrass
- Lavender
- marjoram
- Wormwood
Relocate ants
Have you tried all sorts of home remedies, but somehow nothing really helped? Then we have a little tip for you – to combat ants on strawberries, you could easily relocate them. To do this, fill a flower pot with wood wool and fix the wood wool in place. Then place the flower pot upside down on the ant route or the nest entrance. This method should ensure that the insects transport their eggs there and once the ants stop returning to the strawberry plants, pick up the pot and place it far away.