Have you noticed one or more anthills in the garden and want to remove them without killing the insects? Then there are the next methods that you can use to get rid of ants permanently.
Remove anthills in the garden or leave them alone?
Have you noticed ants in the garden? In many cases, this is actually a good sign. The insects are beneficial insects that, among other things, loosen the soil and supply it with nutrients. They also feed on certain harmful insects and help maintain balance in the natural garden.
Should we do something about lots of anthills?
It only becomes a problem when the insects multiply quickly. If you have noticed a lot of anthills in the lawn or vegetable patch, you canDrive away insects. The large number of ants near trees and bushes is often a sign of aphid infestation. The ants can promote this.
Anthills located near the patio or house should also be removed. Because often they willInsects from food in the houseattracted and settle there. Some tricks helpto drive away insects. If that doesn't help, you can relocate them.
Is removing anthills in the garden allowed?
The large red forest ants are a legally protected species. Anyone who kills them can be punished with up to 50,000 euros. In addition, the use of chemicals is prohibited in certain areas of the garden. It is possible to combat house and garden ants under certain circumstances (please ask the local authorities for advice on this matter), but why is this actually necessary? The garden ants are beneficial insects and can easily be driven away or relocated when they multiply.
Natural remedies against ants: permanently drive away the insects
Alternatively, you can also use certain natural remedies to get rid of the ants. These are non-harmful substances that simply drive away the ants. It can also help to check the plants around the nest for signs of aphid infestation.
Garlic against ants in the vegetable patch
If the ants have multiplied quickly in the vegetable patch, you can try a proven natural remedy. Garlic has an unpleasant smell for ants and can successfully repel them. Plant garlic not only at the edge of the vegetable bed, but also between the plants. You can also sprinkle garlic oil directly on the ant trail. As soon as the insects leave the anthill, you can remove it.
Use ant oil against house and garden ants in flowerbeds
Ant oil is a combination of neem extract and essential oils that is diluted with water. It is very important to adhere to the manufacturer's instructions, as too high a concentration can kill the insects. The ant oil solution, on the other hand, can be sprayed into nest holes and passageways without any concerns. Since the ants leave the nest after 2-3 treatments, the eggs remain behind. This reduces the number of colonies. Therefore, the ant oil can only be used on garden and house ants. The forest ants are protected.
Can you use vinegar against ants?
Strong smells can confuse ants and cause them to abandon their nests. Vinegar proves to be particularly effective. Fill bottle caps with vinegar and place them around nests and on ant burrows.
Get rid of ants in the lawn with lavender
Another natural remedy that effectively gets rid of ants in the lawn is lavender. You can either plant lavender around the lawn or do something similar to vinegar. It is best to use lavender oil for this purpose - a few drops on the ant path and around the nest are enough to drive the ants away.
Water the ant nest in the lawn vigorously and drive the insects away
Have you noticed an ant nest in the lawn? Then you can simply water it vigorously 2-3 times a day. The insects do not like waterlogging and a lot of moisture and prefer dry locations. They will leave the nest after some time.
Anthills in the garden: This is how you can relocate the insects
No matter which method you choose. There is a risk that the ants will leave their old nest but settle in a new, equally unfavorable place in the garden. For example: Instead of being in the lawn, the nest is now right next to the barbecue area. To prevent this, there is only one thing to do: offer the ants a new home and relocate them. The principle is very simple, but actually works very well: you put garlic around the nest or spray it with scented oils or water the nest. This gives the ants signals that they need to find a new home. At the same time, place a pot filled with wool and straw directly near the nest. Then wait a week until the ants settle in their new home and move the pot. At the end you simply have to remove the empty pile.