The Asian tiger mosquito is increasingly spreading across Europe - they can now be found in more and more federal states. This tropical species can transmit certain serious diseases. Tiger mosquito populations have already established themselves in this country. It is therefore all the more important that you can recognize the representatives of this species and take targeted measures to prevent the tiger mosquito from spreading in the garden.
Recognize the Asian tiger mosquito
The Asian tiger mosquito, as its name suggests, comes from South Asia. It has a black body and white stripes on its back and is smaller than the native mosquito species. It grows to a maximum length of 1 cm and is active during the day. It is also considered aggressive, which means it stings immediately after it lands on the body.
That's how dangerous tiger mosquito bites are
Their stings themselves are considered harmless in the sense that they come fromthe other mosquito bitesnot distinguish. The tiger mosquito is considered dangerous because it can transmit certain diseases. A prerequisite for this is that it first bites a sick person and then a healthy one. She can become a vector only in summer when it is hot. Although the number of mosquitoes in Germany has increased in recent years, the risk of transmission has been classified by experts as low.
Nevertheless, attempts are being made nationwide to prevent it from spreading in order to reduce the risk. For example, it is very important that every garden owner takes certain measures in their own outdoor area.
These include, among others:
Recognize and prevent potential breeding grounds for tiger mosquitoes in the garden
The tiger mosquito prefers still water where it can lay its eggs. So check whether you have one or more of the following water points in your garden:
- Rain barrels without lids
- Buckets or other containers without lids where rainwater could collect.
- Vases or watering cans on the balcony or garden table.
- Hanging bird baths
- Potted plants with saucer
- Unevenness in the lawn where water collects
- Water features and garden ponds with standing water
1. Never leave rain barrels, buckets or other containers uncovered. Regularly empty and clean vases, watering cans and bottles on the garden table where water could collect.
2. Even small amounts of water are enough to lay eggs. So if you are not using certain containers at the moment, bring them into the garden shed or winter garden.
3. Change the water in the birdbaths daily and clean them at least once a week. This measure also protects the birds, because the bacteria in the stagnant water can cause various serious diseases.
4. The same applies to the saucers on potted plants: they should be emptied regularly and cleaned once a week. On the one hand, you prevent mosquitoes and other insects from laying eggs, but on the other hand, you also prevent waterlogging and rot in the soil.
5. Now is also the right time to straighten an uneven lawn and fill holes with a sand mixture. Because standing water can also collect there. Good drainage of the garden soil is also important for grasses and plants.
6. Always empty and cover water features and garden ponds when not in use. The same also applies to paddling pools, pools, swimming ponds and whirlpools.
Plant mosquito repellent plants around various water sources in the garden
Herbs such as eucalyptus, basil and lavender can keep mosquitoes away from potential breeding sites in the garden. You can also plant these medicinal plants around the terrace so that they drive away the mosquitoes. It is better to avoid homemade mosquito traps and therefore use them
Asian tiger mosquito found in the garden: what should you do?
Anyone who sees an Asian tiger mosquito in the garden can photograph it and send the photo to the local authorities. In the federal states where the mosquitoes have already overwintered and there are existing populations, there are often experts who help combat them. They set traps in the garden and check possible breeding sites for signs of tiger mosquitoes. So if you suspect that there are mosquitoes in your garden, you can contact the local authorities.