The aster is a hardy perennial plant known for its many small, daisy-like flowers. In this article you will learn how to properly prune asters to control their growth, limit self-seeding, promote flowering, improve air circulation and maintain vigor.
Pruning asters is a must if you want to keep these perennial flowers healthy and blooming profusely. It is also useful if you have asters that are growing too much and overgrowing your beds. To do it right, you just need a few tips.
Cutting asters is only necessary to a limited extent in winter
Asters are usually cut back after flowering. But garden lovers know that the plant's stems provide some protection from low temperatures. So at the end of the growing season, cut all stems back to about 5 cm above the ground and discard the remains. This also keeps the garden clean and prevents pathogens and pests from overwintering.
Cut spent asters: Yes, if you haven't removed the spent flowers during the growing season, you'll be left with masses of fluffy seed heads that can spread throughout the landscape. Native seeds produce true replicas of the parents, but hybrids can produce different results, non-viable seeds, or no seeds at all. Be sure to mark the location of the plants so you know where they are next spring.
Tipp! It is best to cut asters back in spring to just above the root system.
Divide in spring for more vitality
This type of pruning is for manageability and vitality. Division involves digging up plants in the spring and severing the thick rhizomes and fibrous roots to divide a plant into two or more individual plants. The divisions are then replanted as desired.
This allows gardeners to keep garden flora within set limits rather than letting them go wild at will. It also improves air circulation, which significantly reduces the development of fungal diseases to which asters are susceptible.
Cutting asters for bouquets stimulates the flora
One way to encourage lush growth is to randomly cut flowering stems to make bouquets and vase arrangements. Cutting the stems encourages the flora to grow new stems and produce even more flowers.
Use this technique to restore balance to a plant with wayward, leggy stems. Removing the stems to enjoy as cut flowers is an excellent way to maintain the shape.
Cut off the head to encourage flowering
Deadheading is the practice of cutting off an entire stem to its origin once all of the flowers have bloomed on it. Removing spent stems keeps plants looking fresh, prevents seed setting and self-seeding, and encourages re-blooming.
Trim to shape to promote growth
Tall varieties are notorious for becoming very leggy and requiring pruning late in the growing season. To promote more compact growth, trim soft shoot tips in late spring to early summer to remove a maximum of one-third of the total height. This ensures shorter, side-branched growth that is bushier and requires less pruning.
Pruning the asters this way will make them a better companion to other plants in mixed groups because they won't flop over and dominate.
Other tips – Prune asters on dry mornings
Whether you are cutting, defoliating, or pruning asters for vases, it is best to do so on a dry morning after the dew has evaporated. And why? Cutting the stems causes wounds in the plants, making them more susceptible to pests and diseases. These plants are susceptible to fungal diseases activated by moisture, and open stem wounds are ideal entry points for disease.
Additionally, plants that have been cut are temporarily stressed. In the morning, they are less likely to be dehydrated and already stressed, a condition that also makes them more vulnerable to insects and pathogens.
Use sharp, clean scissors
Finally, keep all cutting tools sharp and clean. Blunt tools cause blurred cuts that can expose an excess of plant tissue, leading to poor wound healing and increasing susceptibility to pests and infections. Pruning shears and scissors that are not clean can transfer pathogens from plant to plant, affecting the entire garden.
Wear gloves and disinfect tools with a 10 percent bleach solution in water. Clean them before and after use. Rinse thoroughly and dry all equipment before putting away.
Love your asters:Knowing how to prune your plants will help you control their size, spread and seed drop. And while some types can grow quite large, compact varieties offer manageable alternatives. And even if you don't want to tame their wild and woolly nature, pruning for vases and division are still excellent ways to promote optimal blooming, prevent overcrowding, and restore their hardy nature.
Next to asterssee you hereother typical autumn flowers that are still suitable for your balcony!