Unfortunately, gardening season also means pest season and especially in the first few months, when enough beneficial insects have not yet spread to help fight the pests, the sight of the infestation can be quite frightening. Of course you want to act as quickly as possible so that the harvest does not suffer. But natural products should come first, especially when it comes to fruit trees and the like. Do you have aphids on your cherry tree that you would like to combat with home remedies? We reveal what will succeed.
Fight and prevent the cherry aphid
They are usually theblack lice, who infest the tree and treat themselves to a feast there. They are quite tiny and since fruit trees are not necessarily plants that are often checked for pests, it can happen that they are not immediately noticeable and therefore have plenty of time to multiply - and this happens at a rapid pace. So now you have the salad and you are faced with the question: What helps against aphids on the cherry tree? The following things will help, provided you address the problem before the leaves curl.
There are two types: sweet cherry aphids and tart cherry aphids. Both are fought in the same way.
Treat black aphids on cherry trees with dish soap
The classic when it comes to...Elimination of aphidsis the good old dishwashing liquid. No wonder when it is so effective and also harmless and naturally degradable. You probably already know that they use it as a spray. The only question that remains is in what proportion it needs to be mixed with water so that it works but doesn't become too much of a good thing. How to prepare the remedy against aphids on the cherry tree:
- 2 liters of water
- 200 g soap (curd soap, dishwashing liquid or soft soap)
- 150 ml Spirit
Mix the ingredients well in the quantities indicated until everything is dissolved and combined. Pour the liquid into a spray bottle. The finer it sprays, the better. Spray the tree by adhering to the following rules:
- Only spray on the undersides of the leaves.
- Treat the tree in the morning and/or evening when it is not too hot.
- Spray regularly over several days until you no longer notice lice.
Nettle spray against lice on cherry trees
One of the favorites when it comes to effective home remedies for the garden is undoubtedly manure made from fresh or dried nettles. If you want to prevent aphids on the cherry tree, this home remedy is also wonderfully suitable. However, the manure does not have a killing effect as some believe. The liquid causes the leaves to become harder. This, in turn, makes it difficult for the pests to bite through them, forcing them to make themselves comfortable elsewhere.
But even if you have already noticed an infestation of lice on the cherry tree, the decoction of nettles is a suitable remedy, as it prevents further spread and the already infected leaves harden and, at the same time, you also provide the plants with valuable nutrients . You can learn how to prepare and use such a manurein this articleread up.
Prepare a decoction from tobacco
To treat the cherry tree against lice with a natural-based spray, tobacco is even suitable!
Boil a liter of water and 50 g of tobacco in an old pot. As soon as the water boils, turn off the stove again and let the brew cool down. Then strain it to remove any tobacco residue and pour the tobacco broth into a spray bottle. Here, too, you should only spray the undersides of the leaves and avoid hot periods of the day. Repeat the process regularly over several days so that the decoction can take effect and combat the aphids.
If there is a light infestation, use pure water to combat aphids on the cherry tree
This method is less possible on large cherry trees due to the particularly lush and high crown. But you can achieve a lot on young trees with just a simple garden hose, especially if you notice the infestation at an early stage. As opposed tosome other pests, the aphids cannot hold on very well, which is why water can be really practical as a simple home remedy against aphids. All you have to do is use a stronger jet of water (not too strong so that the leaves don't tear) and then throw the lice off the cherry blossom leaves.
Be careful not to direct the beam at surrounding plants to avoid spreading the lice to the next one. You can also lay out a film on which the cherry aphids are collected and then disposed of.