In order to prevent aphids from becoming a pest on apple trees, it is advisable for orchard owners to take action in good time. By using some effective pest control products in tree care, common associated damages can be prevented and better yields can be achieved. For this purpose, it is especially important to familiarize yourself with the nature of the green apple aphid problem. Although such pest infestations are not uncommon in the garden, taking the right steps would save novice gardeners a lot of time, effort and expense. If you also have to deal with this, below you will find some useful information and common methods for natural insect repellent.
What do aphids look like on apple trees and what damage do they cause?
When it comes to the green apple aphid, this non-migratory species belongs to the aphid superfamily. The insects develop on pods from early spring to late autumn, overwintering as eggs under the tree bark. An important factor that youin combating themWhat should be taken into account is the speed at which the pests reproduce. In addition, aphids cause damage to various types of fruit trees, such as apple trees, pears, quinces, cherries, plums, medlars, etc. The wingless females have a pear-shaped, light green or yellow-green body that is covered with wax particles. They reach a maximum length of about 2.2 mm, but form large colonies that often completely cover tree leaves and shoot tips. They are also easy to recognize because of their sucking tube at the end of their abdomen.
It is very common in late spring and early summer for hobby gardeners to come across annoying insectssticky honeydewor damaged fruit trees are surprised. If the infestation is severe, the tree leaves curl, which can promote further plant diseases and pests, not only in the case of an apple tree. Furthermore, the shoots usually turn black and bend, or stop growing and die. Damaged young apple trees often lag behind in growth. Other signs of this are red spots on the apple fruits caused by sucking aphids on the apple tree. To prevent all this, you can try taking the following measures through a strategic approach.
What preventive steps should you take to prevent the proliferation of apple aphids?
Some favorable factors for the spread of the pest are moderately warm weather conditions with sufficient humidity. However, with frequent temperature fluctuations and heavy rainfall, the aphids on apple trees can develop more difficult. However, a well-thought-out insect defense strategy requires regular monitoring of fruit trees and possible preventative measures such as pruning, which are an important part of tree care. Winter pruning and whitening of the tree crown are among the so-called agrotechnical measures.
As far as cutting goes, it's best done at the tips. In addition, you should use young shoots on which the eggs overwinterand in summerthat can feed pest populations should be cut back in a timely manner. If you want to control the green apple aphid by using chemical insecticides, you should spray the trees with organ phosphorus pesticide in a timely manner. Other options include neonicotinoids, mineral oils and nicotine-based insecticides. However, there is also the recommended control option of using biological products to get rid of green aphids on apple trees in a more environmentally friendly way. But what other steps and means can prove effective and how do you identify an infestation?
How can you correctly identify an aphid infestation on an apple tree?
Because of their small size, the characteristics of the green apple aphid described above are difficult to recognize by inexperienced gardeners. However, identifying colonies of such pests may be a secondary and simple sign of insect infestation. In addition, another way to identify aphids on the apple tree is to look for ants. The secretion secreted by aphids, also known as honeydew, attracts these insects, and an ant trail often indicates an aphid infestation. Furthermore, white exoskeletons attached to tree leaves or plant sap are an equally recognizable sign of apple aphids, which will eventually shed it and leave it there.
Since some molds also feed on excreted honeydew, you can also look for signs of sooty mold spots. If you suspect an aphid infestation, check the tree leaves to identify the insects more quickly and take the necessary countermeasures. It is important to take into account that when this stage is reached, the fruit trees in principle already have a strong insect infestation. Nevertheless, something can be done about it, as aphids on an apple tree that is already fully grown usually do not cause it to die. Here are some home remedies and natural defense mechanisms you can use to solve the problem.
What natural products and gentle repellents to use against aphids on apple trees?
Although there are some effective home remedies for aphids, successful insect defense combines the use of insecticides and agrotechnical measures. This is the only way to effectively reduce swarms and large numbers of insects, as well as worsen favorable conditions for their development. However, if you don't have that many fruit trees in your garden and would rather fight aphids on apple trees yourself, a number of home remedies can prove to be effective. Most of these are easy and inexpensive to prepare with easily accessible ingredients.
- SeifenwasserUse against apple aphids – Although dishwashing detergents are chemical-based, you can try making a solution of water and regular dishwashing detergent and spraying it on the apple trees. This is a simple and quick control method, but would be more effective for moderate infestations.
- Peppermint oilCombine with soapy water and use it as a more aggressive home remedy - Add 2 tablespoons of peppermint oil to the solution described above to enhance the desired effect. This means you can also get rid of aphids on apple trees with hard shells. To avoid burning tree bark and leaves, spray your trees early in the morning and leave the mixture on for no more than 2 hours before rinsing with a garden hose.
- A sharp oneDefense spray with garlic and onionsMake – Chop about 6-7 cloves of garlic and combine them with a chopped onion. Then mix everything with water and cook the mixture for about 10 minutes. Then use it to fill a spray bottle to treat infected fruit trees. Be sure to wear safety glasses and do not leave the homemade repellent on for longer than 30 minutes.
- Beneficial insects likeLadybugAttract Aphids to Apple Trees – Try to grow a variety of plant varieties near your orchard so you can attract beneficial insects that feed on apple aphids. This not only benefits the environment, but can also be beneficial for other plants in your garden. Plants such as dill, coriander and fennel attract ladybugs and are considered healthy ingredients in many dishes.