Imagine walking past your fragrant rose bushes and realizing that something is wrong with the blooms. If you lean down, you'll see that some flower stalks and buds are covered in tiny, pear-shaped insects, mostly green or pink. What is it about? Aphids. The annoying critters have feasted on your beautiful plants and you need to remove them - but how exactly can you get rid of aphids on roses?
In this article, we'll introduce you to the best methods to get rid of annoying pests and explain how you can prevent a massive invasion before it happens.
Get to know the aphids
Aphids attack almost any living plant they can get their tiny, threadlike legs on. These soft-bodied bugs belong to the superfamily of lice (Aphidoidea) and are found all over the world, although they are most common in temperate climates. These tiny pear-shaped insects are typically between two and four millimeters long and come in many colors: black, white, green, pink and orange, to name a few.